My little findings after spending a day with Blair Waldorf ( Refer to TMD2 - Day 0 if you have no idea why her name is that. ) is that I am pretty in love with it already. It's pretty user friendly but to make it as an easier read, I will 1st answer my questions from the previous post.
1. It has both touch screen and QWERTY which is something I really like, but are the screen sensitive enough and the hardware buttons well positioned ?
Ans: As expected. The screen sensitivity has room for improvement especially when you are using it to key. The phone can only us the software keyboard when you are using the phone in the vertical orientation. The vertical orientation of the phone only allows the hardware keyword. The due the to small screen size, you can't see much when the software keyboard is up. Another disadvantage of the touch screen is that it does not allow multi touch like what you can do with an apple iphone when you zoom in and out despite it being a capacitive touchscreen.
2. I wonder if their video and mp3 functions are as user friendly as an Iphone ?
Ans: The mp3 function is pretty user friendly. All you have to do is to load it into the Micro SD card and you do not even need PC suit or iTunes to do it. It works perfectly like any thumb drives. The MP3s can be sorted by artist, album and customize playlist as well. Video function is pretty good as well. Tested with some same file I place into my Ipod Touch previously, work perfectly and in fact it looks a little sharper as the screen is a lil smaller compared to a ipod touch.
3. How's the battery life ?
Ans: It took away a good 20% after mp3 playing for a 90mins bus ride with seemic (twitter program) running behind. It took up a good 50% yesterday morning from 7am - 12nn for standby and simple sms-es and seemic. *note : I am running the phone without motorblur* - why ? I will explain it later.
4. It comes with 2GB micro SD and can support to 32GB but will the phone lag ?
Ans: My motor dext is currently running on a 8GB micro SD as that is the largest I can find in the stash. No lag despite putting multiple mp3 and videos in the card. a few hundred photos was loaded using the gallery without much lag as well.
5. It's Android, I've nv do anything on the Android.. Will it hang ?
Ans: Android rocks my world. Although it's not madness like iPhone store where you can dl all the funky program but I must say it impressed me alright. The multi-task function is pretty well done. A simple notification bar which I can drag down to monitor recent happenings ace it. You can not only view income SMS, Emails, Twits but even you recent download or activities like mp3 played.
6. Can I customize this phone ? ( from wallpaper to theme, ringtone and even sms tone ? )
Ans: Yes, you can dl wallpaper and you can shift the icons around and widget ! Comparing to the iphone (again), you have to run each program in order to check certain news, weather, twits or news headlines while the widget can be updated time to time on the "desktop". You can also download themes which I have yet to be able to explore in depth as I believe you need another paid platform to run the themes although the themes are free. You can change all your tones using your mp3 files from email to phone call and twits, each notification can has it own ringtone but not your sms which I do not get it.
7. Will Android, be like WinMobile ? ( I have got bad experience with WinMobile)
Ans: Android experience thus far - GOOD ! , WinMobile - Nah
8. I like to twit and Twitpic and FB mobile upload pictures, I wonder if this phone can do all these easily ?
Ans: This voice down to the program you are running on, the FB and Twitter program I am using is pretty good. I am using Seesmic for my twitter but the 4SQ program seems to have a lil problem.
9. Is the phone book easy to manage ?
Ans: Amazing phone book, you can link users twitter, facebook, email account all to one if it's the same person. You can simply click on the name and then choose what to do. The sms address bar comes with auto-complete as well, thus you do not need to key in "S" and scroll down the long list before you find the person name 'SZMITH"
10. How many keys must I press before I can type a new sms ?
Ans: The fastest way you can do it now is 2. Put the Text message widget on the "desktop", click it and then click new message. 2 steps. Why the concern ? I just can't stand phone which required you to click on 6 icons before creating a new sms. "Messages/Inbox/Create new/Text Message"
11. Is the ringtone loud enough ?
Ans: Not the loudest, but good enough.
12. How's the alarm clock function ? ( Yes there IS a difference )
Ans: You can set up to 3 timing and you can customize the tone and volume as well as the days of it to repeat. It also tells you how many more hours to the next ring upon setting
13. Most importantly is the signal clear when I am talking on the phone.
Ans: Nothing spectacular or very very clear but there ain't any problem thus far but interesting point to note is that you cannot pick up the phone when the phone is in the horizontal orientation.
14. Why this phone and NOT Iphone ?
Ans: So far the reason for me going Dext than iPhone is cause it's Android. You can multitask, iif buy an extra battery and change if it goes flat while you can't do it on a iphone. You can even use this as a data storage product and is universal to every computer,it's much cheaper in price,it has a QWERTY keyboard which I really appreciate, but I guess it's still a little too early to give the final verdict. The APPS store is still very very attractive comparing to the android market. iPhone has lots of accessories and make the phone looks trendy and nice but the dext looks too stern and cooperate. That's one thing I felt it fail pretty badly, it's selling point is it being social and young looking but it looks too "un-young"
*Motor Blur
The Motor Blur is actually a very interesting concept which gives you live updated on all the social platform and it comes with a "Happening" widget where you can see it real time on the "desktop" but I felt that the concept was not fully utilize or properly done up. Why so ? 1st, it integrate say my twitter and facebook and that's a good almost 2000 users and it updates every say 5mins and you can imagine what 2000 people has to say in 5 mins ? The interface of the the happening doesn't allow you to RT, reply or DM that user which kills lots of flexibility of the twitter. Why should I do this to myself when good program like seesmic is around ? And I also felt ( I use the word felt as I did not actually test it ) that the battery life goes down way much faster with blur's "Happenings" turned on.
So that's after day 1 with Blair and I will try to update some new findings as time goes by.
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