I have pretty much locked myself up during the whole period besides commuting to work on certain occasions when needed until late last week where I met some friends for dinner. First, in 4 months.
Through various feedbacks and observations, it seems like many have "gotten used to" various Covid-19 measurements. People are out and about dining casually, walking around in small groups with their face masks on as well as scanning into various buildings without having to enforce by security officers. While this is a good sign that our economy is able to open up a little more, and people are adapting. However, my biggest concern is that these practices will soon become "white practices", think white noise. Probably a better word to describe it. LOL.
Soon we will lose the understanding of the importance of such practices. And soon people will feel confident, and then over-confident about such practices and become complacent.
One of the most common texts I get from people around me is "bro, can we do this? phase 2 can visit gf already? can play basketball already?" People are overly concerned about what is permissible over what is the right thing to do to protect themselves and people around them.
Is it a sure thing that you are safe as long as it is 5 pax and below?
Is it a sure thing that as long as you think you wash your hands, it will be fine?
I think that these guidelines are there to allow us to live a little while trying to be careful at the same time. These guidelines are not foolproof.
So while there are no general rules about everything, we as an individual need to keep in mind and priorities what are the right thing to do and how we do it even without enforcement.
If I may, an extreme example:
Instead of Covid-19, we are now experiencing a Zombie apocalypse situation. Do you think we need to tell people that gathering is bad? Do you think that we need guidelines to close down night clubs? Fine, probably because some of these people running the places are already zombies but you get my point? I think till certain extent, we do not see COVID-19 as something life-threatening anymore.
"Wouldn't so suay de lah."
"Awhile only okay de lah."
"Dinner only mah."
I agree with this Forum letter that more needs to be done to protect our taxis/phv drivers. In fact, anyone else currently who are front-liners. That includes Food delivery riders, cleaners, security officers and more. They are the ones that still working out there to keep our lives less affected. So while MOH doesn't have certain enforced guidelines, I think as individual we need to respect them, and our way of showing gratitude is to ensure that they are safe and can continue to perform their tasks in a safe environment.
While I am no policymaker, I don't think they can look into every smallest detail of every policy to slap guidelines over. And neither is it possible for them to have a blanket guideline for everyone.
I am aware that if everyone can do their part, we do not even need police anymore. I am not that idealistic. I know that we are only humans.
With that in mind, still, I would like to urge everyone to do our part to keep everyone safe. #SGUnited
P.S. I know our attention probably already shifted from Covid-19 especially after GE. Let us remind each other that we are not out of the woods yet and we still need to pay attention. Share this and remind everyone that we still need to do our part.
: https://www.straitstimes.com/forum/forum-taxi-drivers-need-more-protection-from-covid-19