I was inspired by one of my friend's friend on facebook where she had a note talking abt deal breakers. What are deal breakers ? deal breakers are things which turns you off more like during a date then a long term r/s, so I am not even going into things like cheating on you or snoring like a lorry.
I did a little ask around on facebook and twitter and I have gotten some really weird replies. What I am about to share is my little list of deal breakers and I am going to sort it into deal breakers of different gender.
The Deal Breakers. ( Committed by the male )
1. The SAF Running Shoes.
Yes, I seriously hate guys who wears the SAF running shoes with whatever. Pants, Jeans or anything. This is a sin.
2. The WTF Ringtones.
Taiwan shoe "AI" is very very popular in Taiwan. Having a ringtone like that is not cool here.. Not cool I repeat. In case you have no idea what i am talking abt.
3. My Mother Says...
I know we like filial kids but please do not bring your mother along when we go on a date and I'm not marrying you YET.
4. Jumpy/Whiny
Peter Parker is cool, but not a gan cheong spider in SG context.
5. Smelling like a "real" man
This is the part where man can be less manly, deodorant seriously ain't that expensive.
6. Silence is not golden
When was the last date you had and most of the time you were looking at your handphone? Often enough? Yea, say something, do something, if all else seriously fail and awkward silence last longer then u can imagine, suggest a movie and send her home there after. =X
7. The broken neck
Yay, his eyes never really look at anything above your chest and I wonder why.
8. Mr.Price Tag
You know that day I was buying this thing which cost me XXXXX.. I went there and I paid XXX.. I know you are rich but if you are not sharing your assets den keep it to yourself.
The Deal Breakers. ( Committed by the female )
I seriously got stuck at this point of time. I look at some of the example which was given by my friends as well as a short brain storm w the colleague and I have seriously nothing much against them. There are some minor ones which I wouldn't call it dealbreakers like constant SMS someone else, going to party and getting wasted,blog about the date just now in a super brutal manner,being super materialistic and ask what car you drive or super high pitch voice or fake accents.
Is it me or are guys more tolerance over girls or I haven't bump into "a date from hell" ?
These are my deal breakers, what about yours ?
How about Act Cute? 扮可爱? Too 'dere'? Obsessive over pink?
Probably someone will say "count it lucky if u got a date." >_<
Having your date dance with another guy and leaving you on the dance floor alone.
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