Well it's no NBA but it's ABL and it's pretty exciting actually !
Singapore Slingers welcome the Satria Muda Britama - Indonesia.( I know the team name is like a mouthful)
Sorry, no super zoom lens.
no super shuttle speed too !
The match was pretty exciting to watch although Slingers took the early lead and pull the score pretty far apart in early half.
The kids from the half time show. They were really good ! Other than our cheer leaders we had this group of kids coming in to perform and they go as young as 6 years old. They even gave away TV, Wii and stuff during the halftime show !
I was pretty impressed with the speed the Slingers was playing at, the pace was good, very fast on both defense and offense but they do not take fast breaks points which I do not really understand. They played it slow and lots of shooting. Slingers' shooting % was pretty good and I felt both #10 Wei Jian and #21 Marcus played pretty well. They look tiny on the court but they were like 180cm and 193cm respectively.
Slingers fans had a good time boo-ing at #8 of Satria - Harman Alexander from Oregon USA. He is very aggressive but he do not play as a team and he plays very rough imo. And we were like boo-ing at all his FT and comments like " Eh Don't Cry ah ! " came out of my mouth when he was arguing with the referee at different points of the game.
The referee ain't the best I must say, there was a few occasions of traveling, pushing and illegal screen but it was all uncalled. It's never easy to be a good referee but a good game seriously need very good referee ! And there was one 8sec half court call at the 7th secs, we had a fun time boo-ing him ! haha
But the major turn off was the commentator i guess, being expose to NBA commentator he is like no where close to a commentator, if i'm not wrong he look like a showhost from the IT show.. *slapforehead
Anyway, Slinger took the game without any sweat.
24 points win ! Mr. Botak Jones promise us on 1% discount for every point slinger win over the satria and being a man of his words, he gave us a 20% discount and yes that was my dinner ! yum yum !
Two of my favorite pics !
And yes that's all ! Hope I can go for more of their games. Can I get box seat ticket next ?
Mr.Smith, wanna watch live NBA leh !!
"And now ladies and gentlemen, that's the ugly truth"
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