Question 1: Where?
Was with John walking around Tampines and out of boredom we visited :

Welcome welcome.. any guess?? The next picture will lead u to.. "wth.. u go *******.. sure anot?"

yes.. library
They were having this "i love my library" campaign.. write on the piece of paper and tell us why u love library.. and i actually spotted one note which says:

As it is a place to BANG my loved ones
wah lau.. Singaporean so open one la..that word is bring not bang.. :lol:
Question 2: Who?
Who is this woman??

SO pink!! pink cap pink psp pink top pink shorts.. who the hell is she !!!
Question 3: Where?
We had our lunch at this place wor~

Cool looking green chair?

THICK sausage

The self-proclaim must try wedges

very nice oreo shake but ugly cup

Free Lemon Candy Floss~~
Any idea where is this?? We spent a total of $28 for two for the above food.. Food wise not too bad but nothing impressive i will say but the place ain't too bad.. quite a cool hang out.. and they give free stuff !!

other den free candy floss they gave us this!
Spent $28 and get $10 voucher back.. ain't too bad rite??
still no idea where??

Newyork newyork lo~
Question 4:Where?
Realli run around quite abit in one day man..

Food is so good i only remember to take pics after i finish eating

Drinks so nice and cups also very nice

Seats so cosy and got pillow summore

Make everybody smile.. and get topless easily..look carefully

Comes with good game and golden hair ah beng to teach game =X
yes.. where else but Pitstop Cafe?? We spent a good time there celebrating Keong's bday.. haha.. happy birthday keong!!
Question 5:Who?
So it's keong bday and of cause.. we need to buy birthday cake right??

Painful smile on his face
Who is that prankster who got this cake for keong? Who is the prankster who put the candles on ariel's boobs??
who else?? :lol:
Question 6 : Did Keong survive the wrath of god??

Smell of Martel is in the air
Graveyard + Ak47 + half yard beer + Martel + Flaming Lamborghini + Frustration == GG ( good game)
Conclusion : Keong is a good drinker
Loads of party pics with Ma and Emily.. wait till i lay my hands on those..i must post some of those classic pics man.. :lol:
Mr.Smith , Readers can join in the fun too~

"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
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