The cliches would called us the three musketeers. I prefer the 3 blind mice. Taken during launch of Makan Bus.
As much as we all agrees that Batman needs his Robin, Captain American needs his Bucky(or Falcon, or Black Widow) and the Power Rangers probably wouldn't be as cool if it's a one man show, we all know that it's not easy working as a team. You need more than just luck to find good partners, teammates or even staff/underlink.
Working together is always rewarding when things are going well but I can't say the same when things ain't going too smoothly sometimes. Things can be a lot easier if you are just playing the "I'm your boss card" but it gets more complicated when you guys are some what equal in certain decisions making. (Sorry for sounding very much like a dictator). I would just like to share some thoughts about working together. I can't say I'm an expert but I try.
1. We are different and it's okay.
In fact, it is more than okay. We come from different background, we have different knowledge, we have different concerns, and we might not even like the same food. A truly good partnership would requires everyone to be different and doing different roles. A jigsaw can't be completed if every piece is the same isn't it? What's the point of having a team where everyone is doing the same thing and agrees on everything? We all need that devil's advocate in our life. And also sometimes people to put us into uncomfortable zone for growth. Like erm... Taking picture in Sephora because she thinks I look good here. ><
2. Common Goal
As much as it is good to embrace in differences, we need to stay focus on one common goal. A uber driver gets you no where if everyone wants him to drive somewhere else.
3. It's nothing personal really. It's just business
I guess this is one common mistake many people make. They keep in negative comments to themselves because they do not wish to offend the other person. Or worst, taking a comment too personally. "He disagree with me because he doesn't like me." Nope. He probably do not like the dress you are wearing today but that's not the point. We have to keep in mind that what said during a work meeting stays there and at the end of the day, you guys are still friends. (I mean unless you start cursing at his mother) Remember point one? We all have different opinions but at the end of the day, it is to work towards a common goal. Basically, like how Katy sings it "We fight we break up we kiss we make up". Just remember to make up after every fight?
4. We do not always need the win
What's the point of winning the argument for the sake of it? Pride and Ego always gets in the way when it comes to something we do not agree. Take a deep breath and think again. Is winning the argument more important or staying focus to get to the common goal more important?
5. Appreciate each other
I think this is beginning to sound a little bit like relationship advise but it is true. We always need to appreciate each other for their good work (or at least hard work), Nobody feels good about doing all the work, taking all the shit and end up not being recongnized or appreciated.
I'm not too sure if these thoughts can be translated into as relationship advise since your life biggest partnership is probably the one with your spouse. You know what they say about keeping your friends close and your enemy closer. Nothing is as close as sleeping with one. LOL.
Anyway, for those who follows me on Instagram would have seen the post below. The one where I "clickbait" everyone with a question and have yet to reveal the answer. In case you missed it. here's the post.
So the answer is... We actually got into a huge argument. From how bad the picture was blah blah blah. to why are you so rude and talk in such manner and it escalated. Trust me it escalated. But look! The picture turned out fine and none of us got on the papers starring in a murder case.
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