It has now became a tradition for me to do such a post. For those who likes history, you can check out 2013, 2012 , 2011 and 2010. To be honest I really love these post to see how far I've gone so far. It is also like a easy to-stalk content for those who just met me and wish to know a little more about me.
Just a quick overview for 2014: total number of post - 166. Which is actually a lot less as compared to 2013.
Anyway, here we go!
Finally got married.
I didn't say this myself but many people told me my wedding was the best wedding they have attended and some assholes actually told me to do it again. LOL. I gave a good speech and everyone said it was a good set of standup comedy. I guess now I know where my talent really lies. ROM for almost 2 yrs and we finally officially got married.
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With some of my oldest friends and their partners! |
For those who just met me would never believed that I just got my license. Most went with something they choose to believe which is I got my license revoked due to drink driving. Comon, do I look that irresponsible. Okay, don't answer. That is a rhetorical question.
See! Looks so guai kia.
Wedding Photo shoot that went viral
Long story short is that we did a photo shoot and we were all over the news. This has to be a once in a life milestone I must say. Never see this coming but it happened. Full Story.
Singapore Blog Awards Best Lifestyle Blog 2014
Something that I started out of curiosity when I was back in school - blogging. Dropped it entirely because it was getting out of hand with school politics and drama but picked it up again when I was in the army entirely because I wanted to write down some thoughts, keep some memories, practice my writing and also share stuff with my friends. Never see it becoming an award winning blog. It's 10 years worth of trolling people and bad grammars. I can only say that I am very lucky that I have you guys reading and showing support despite how much of an asshole I can be from time to time. What's next? I have no clue to be honest. Not like I am going to publish a book and teach people how to blog. Don't think I can do that and not my style either.
Top 7 Blog Posts of 2014
I might have won the best lifestyle blog but to be honest it's not something I really like to call myself. In local context most blogs that has no idea what they are doing call themselves that. Which to be honest that is pretty much me as well. I like to blog about things that I see around me,
- Bloggers that you should avoid
- Why you might want to reconsider marrying a teacher
- How much are you worth?
- 30 things that you shouldn't be doing in your 30s
- Thai Club Culture in Singapore
- Why are the Pandora charms so popular??
- Mark Zuckerberg vs Smith Legend
New Job
I guess this is one of those things that my friends and family can hardly catch up with. They just go on and on not having any idea what I do for a living. Am I a marketing consultant? Am I a full time blogger? A social media guy? Or am I actually a drug dealer?
I mean I wish I could tell you that I am a meth chef but truth is my chemistry ain't the best. I am currently working in a tour agency. We deal with inbound tours, Business to Business groups and also recruitment. I mainly deals with products and also new content. Check it out here.
The Squat
If you have been following my instagram or Facebook you would know that I have this new thing. It all started because I was trying to pose for an OOTD like those fashion bloggers but I just can't get it right. I just look weird and unnatural. Until I found... THE SQUAT
Because A is for Ah Beng.
And things went down pretty quickly and people requesting to do it with me. Even on their wedding night.
Best Birthday Party
My wife ain't exactly the most romantic person and surprises ain't what she does best. That's what i thought and a surprise is what I got this July. It's not just awesome because I got this gift but because of the people who was with me. LASER TAG!
Problem is that I don't see how she is going to top herself after this. MUAHAHHAA.
Nothing to do with me but this is the year where Spurs knock Heat off their 3peat. Cry baby LBJ decides to go home to Cavs and form another big 3 with Kevin Love. Kobe overtake MJ as the 3rd all time scoring but Lakers still sucks.
I stopped running because I got lazy and I got tired of it. And also because of that I am so guilty that I didn't update #RunWithWill miles as well. I feel really bad about that but meh. I also started going to the gym instead. I got a lot stronger and big but I got so hungry that I eat so much that I put on so much weight. I think I put on like 8kg as of 2013. MEH. Of course, I didn't become shredded overnight or a personal trainer and wear red undies and take selfie. That would be sick.
Feb, 1st day at the gym. I look much smaller to be honest.
Nov, the gym pic that everyone spent more time looking for the camera than my bicep. PUI!
Lego made a come back
With the help of the lego movie. It made a come back into my life. Dig out all the old ones and bought a shit load more of new ones. muahaha.
Traveller Smith
I'm not exactly a wanderlust because I hate how it breaks my momentum in life. I prefer to be at home where I got everything under my feet and I have in control at my own turf. :x But this year I did a fair bit of traveling.
KL - Malaysia
Johor Bahru - Malaysia
Cebu and Bohol - Philippines
Iloilo - Philippines
Stroking my own ego
Nothing beats having my own product. That's like major masturbation to make myself feel good. I don't care what you think but I did it.
And I got really strong
So I started going to the gym blah blah blah and you already know that. And I did this too..
I broke 2 mops within 1 year. YAY!
Thank You
Besides Thank you I still only have Thank you. Thanks my wife for being there for me. Thanks my mum for not nagging that much cause I have lack of time for her. Thanks my sister, my sister-in-law, my nieces, nephew, brother-in-law for accepting how crazy I am. Thanks my friends for being forgiving on how I always double book them. Thanks all of you as my readers for reading all this toilet nonsense. Thanks my boss and my colleagues. And of course my clients, sponsors and partners for Sorry if I miss your name out. Names are in alphabetical order. I think.
Happy New Year Mr & Mrs Smith! :)
thanks!!! you have a good one too! cant wait for baby sugar~
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