So I saw this image being circulated around on the Facebook and the caption was "Racists Stereotypes were perpetuated in 1980s textbooks in Singapore!"
The image actually links back to the article on by one of their writers Mr. Andrew Pereira
Basically in this article, there were a few quotes taken out from the book "Constructing Singapore: Elitism, Ethnicity and the National Building Project by Michael Barr and Zlatko Skrbis". The book states that the English textbooks in the 80s transmitted and reinforced racial stereotypes.
According to the article, the book was published in 2008, which is almost 30s apart from the print of the text books. Why does such "problem" only surfaced after 30 years? Did nobody make noise about it or is it because back then it was "okay"?
I ask myself the FIRST question: is it being done deliberately? Are people being too sensitive? Are people getting too narrowed minded? We are definitely more educated now as compared to back when we were in the 80s but why are we picking on such tiny little detail on a book and making a mountain out of a mole hill now? We are so sensitive that an announcement has to be made in four different languages and all national videos or story books have to include 4 characters that more often are Ali, Bala, Xiao Ming and John. Why? Because leaving anyone out means that we are not respecting anyone? Is that the case? Is that REALLY the case or are we being really sensitive here? Is there a need to be THAT sensitive?
I asked myself the SECOND question: Are all stereotype "negative"? I remembered when I studied history when I was in school. There were such similar mention such as the Indians are the money changer or the milk selling dude. Chinese are the traders and coolie and the Malays are the fisher men. Of course we are talking about post World War jobs but the text books were talking about the 80s. That could be "facts" during the 80s no?
History aside, what about currently? For example, most of our Neighbourhood polices are Malays and the army boys are mostly made up of Chinese boys while the Indians very often get posted to the civil defense force. Isn't that a stereotype too? Is this stereotype or is this just a common sight? But is that true at the same time? I say yes. In Chinese, we have a saying - 职业不分贵贱行行出状元 which simply means there is no job more superior than any other jobs, there will be an elite in every job out there. Sure enough I have friends who sells fishes in the market but he drives a BMW, I have friends who works as an office worker in nice tie and suit but has a credit card debt of over $10,000 as well. So how can we judge a person by his job? So is social standing and social stereotype THAT tricky as long as you earn an honest living and able to answer to your own conscious? Is it really an insult to say that Ali is a bus driver or Fatimah is one who give parking ticket? Imagine a world without these people?
With these 2 questions asked, I would say I disagree with the argument of the book/article. I felt that they are simply picking on minor points and these are the points that makes people so sensitive and feeling unbalance which is the caused of unhappiness. Without these pettiness and calling everything as a racist remark, life could be a lot easier and better.
Just take it easy and everything will better. You just have to Laugh.
Mr.Smith, take a chill pill lah deh.
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