Been awhile since i participated in a "hashtag game" and this time round, started by @LiangKaiXin , a very interesting one. #LinkedInHaoLian. Inspired by silly people who puts silly "achievements" on their LinkedIn account. And sad to say, there are people who didn't get the sarcasm and twitted anyway.
This was how it started:
And it trended within less than 2 hours.
I just thought this was really funny and below is a list of those that I thought it's really funny.
1.@bordeauxblack: #linkedinhaolian I bleed for 5 days every month but I'm still alive.
2.@feyneantoinette: I see more dicks on a daily basis than a prostitute,being a nurse. #linkedinhaolian
3.@badehavior "social media guru" :( #linkedinhaolian
4.@liangkaixin: got retweeted by @mrbrown #linkedinhaolian”
5.@lupcheong: #linkedinhaolian Went on mIRC to download songs. Scored a girlfriend. I'm marrying her soon.#truestory
6.@adrianwongfs: #linkedinhaolian I still have the hologram and transit link Vivian Chow card.
And of course, I have my own list too.
1.Stand under the sun, did not sparkle. #linkedinhaolian
2.#I #Can #Practically #Tweet #my #whole #blardy #sentence #in#hashtags #to #attract #Attention #and #earn #more #followers#LinkedInHaolian
3.I have two pussies. #LinkedinHaolian
4.Caught Mewtwo without using Master Ball. #linkedinhaolian
5.Content creator and creative director for Primary 3.3 notice board.#LinkedinHaolian
6.Owner of the invincible “Singapore” Rubber. 82 home win and 32 away win in Primary School Rubber League. #LinkedinHaolian
7.Leadership role in mIRc, hold operator position for more than 10 channels. #LinkedinHaolian
8.Long Service Member of Both Primary and Secondary School TAF Club. #Loyalty #LinkedinHaolian
HAHA. I think this is pretty cool actually.
Mr.Smith, Sex Blogger who doesn't talks about sex. #LinkedinHaoLian
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