It's funny how come they have an app for iPhone but not on the iPad.
I was surfing the app store and I stumble upon this app. It makes the whole blogging experience feels like you are just typing a very massive and long SMS. And it might also get affected but #DYAC.
This is how much blogging has change since the very first time I tried it in year 2003. Changing of template, uploading of photos, editing of photos and even the style of typing. Everything has change so much, everything is so much easier and fast now. We use I use things like photobucket which will expires your photo and leave you w a broken link, uploading pictures on 56k was a bitch, in fact without a digital cam or scanner, photo blogging was almost impossible. And the HTML typing was a major bitch. It's all so simple these days.
And to test the photo function -
A picture taken yesterday using my iPhone4s.
Blogging will just get better I guess.
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