This game was launch last Nov but I have yet to get my hands on it until yesterday.
It has been sometime since I last do a game review and at 2nd thought I would like to do this review in two parts. 1st Experience - which is the following post of how I look at it after 1hrs of playing with it last night. Full Review - which will be a post after I finish or at least explore most of the game play.
1st Experience -
Dragon Age - The idea this game gave me before even loading the disc was a simple - "Diablo 2 " mood. Typically running around hacking and slashing some mob along the story line and pumping some stats points. I wasn't totally right but neither am I wrong. I was totally blown away by the fact that after choosing a gender or class ( Human, Elf and Dwarf) I wish to be, I even get to choose it's background story.
Choosing the background story - what does it means to you ? It means I can be a Dwarf, I can start of as a royalty or a cast-less kinda Dwarf and that also means high re playability and multiple storyline to me.
It's not just "Diablo 2" after all.
The Good -
It's not normal for me to fall in love with a game which 1 spent 1 hr on and only had 3 less than a minute battle game but I actually did fall in love with Dragon Age. There is lots of decision to make in conversation. You can choose your own way of talking to your teammates/NPC and that set me wondering if that will bring me to a different ending.
Nothing much amazing about the graphics as of now but I just can't get my mind off the game as I wonder what will happen to "me" next. I ended my game at a point where I got caught in jail by the person I tried to betray. Each and everyone of the characters I have meet so far made an impression to me, the characters are so well crafted. To me it's really the story which keeps me wanting to follow it as the storyline is totally interactive and it feels like I am in the game and not just following through another main character's life such as Devil May Cry or God of War.
The Bad -
The only thing which gave me quite a shock was the idea of not having online playing possibilities as it would have sounded more fun as it actually seems like a MMORPG possible game, but at 2nd thought i felt that this format of moving through as a single character makes more sense. We can't be all online and spent time talking to different characters online all the time.
Probably the handling will be quite a problem as it's limitation on the ps3 control game pad. I would suggest readers to go for the PC version if your PC can handle the game.
Conclusion -
This game really give me a very special experience as of now and I just can't wait to finish at least 1 story line and give a full review. The game is totally worth the $40 I paid for (pre-owned copy) or get your 1st hand copy at any major game store at $59 +- . Don't bother waiting for me to sell off mine as a 2nd hand as I suppose I will spend quite a fair bit of time with all these possibilities installed ahead for me.
Below is a video of the full review from gamespot if you can wait for me to give a full review. Enjoy !
About Smith and Gaming :
Gaming Since : 1980s
1st Game Ever : Western Bar on Handheld
Will prefer : Console/handheld> PC
Die without (Genre ): Sports, Duel, Exhibition Games, FPS
Kill me to play : ARPG, Driving, 3rd Person hack and slash
Will Always Buy : Tekken , NBA Live, Call of Duty, Diablo, Resistance,Mario, Tetris.
Some Popular Titles which I don't bite : Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Assassin's Creed,Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden,Metal Gear Solid, Gran Theft Auto.
Current Stash : PS3, PSP, NDS, Ipod Touch.
Now Playing : NBA Live 10, Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Dragon Age, Band Hero
Eh ... isn't Diablo, 3rd person hack and slash? :P
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