the fact is not that i am busy.. the fact is not that i have nothing to share.. the fact aint cause i am lazy.. the fact is that i just didnt feel like sharing.. which is bad.. cause we always say SIC.. Sharing is Caring..
so for a matter of FACT.. i am going to SIC more then i do.. ( I hope ) although there is not like a million and one readers out there.. i shall still do my part.. like i mention.. reading ur old blog post is fun too.. so let's take this mins of time typing a little investment for my future...
caught this show with dum dum

yup.. Fanny and Drop Soap Lee..
What's the hu-hah?
A real couple in life playing as a fake couple and then become real couple..
What's the thumbs up?
defiantly not because fann show a naked back and neither is it cause chris was always naked.. it's the chemistry between this couple.. they bring out the love, the hate and the passion between them.. The Story line is nothing to our surprise but it sure sparks alot of fun and laughter between this two couple in real life.. The jokes were rather interesting and it doenst give u the cheesy LAME joke feeling.. But i think the best scene of the movie is still when Jun Hong came out ( gave me a little tickle ) to give chris a lesson of a life time in just that second..
What's the boo?
pretty much a typical BOO BOO u find in most local movie.. it's like a 2hrs long advertisment.. over use of sponsor every corner.. from drinks to watch.. food to sauces and even our dear SSC is part of the game !! LET's PLAY !! and yes they did !
Some scene were pretty not needed for example the scene where Lai Meng was talking to May ?
Final Verdict?
It's not a Jack Neo Show.. It's not a Royston Tan.. and Neither is it John Woo.. but does it worth your 7.50 YES ! 8.50 ? YES ! 9.50 ? YES !! so back to the question? who is it by? Ekachai Uekrongtham, Desmond Sim, Dennis Chew.. who are they? i dunno but i think Dennis Chew is Chong Qing?? GOOD JOB!!! but then again this is very targetted at pple who know Fann and Chris? i am not too sure how it feels for guys who dunno them.. but for me? two thumbs up !!
Mr.Smith,so when's
"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
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