It's 12 AM in the morning and i just finish this movie and i am not sleeping..I was in the office for 'n' hours.. my eye lid are giving up on me.. i am very addicted to my Street Fighter IV on the PS3 but i didn't on it...
YES I just finish the movie He's Just not that into you...
And I am so going to blog about this..
If you wanna cut it short..
It is worth more then $9.50... weekend or anytime.. I think i am so going to buy the Dvd to keep it.. it's a damm good show.. the 120 odd mins is totally a good show.. I would not say it's a show in fact.. it's a journey..
for those who are interested you may read on..
in this 2hr film u can really feel the love in the show..
the agony.. the lafter.. the anxiety.. the magic of falling in love..missing someone.. the pain of loving a wrong person.. the effort put in to save a relationship.. the power love.. be it gay love.. man and woman love.. the power of love at 1st sight..long term r/s doesn't means anything.. a marriage can be a grave as well as a start of a new and happy life.. the meaning of love where there is no routine.. one's routine can be another person exception.. those who think they are playeur but actually they are the one who loses the most and those who are seeking for love..the importance of sex in a r/s.. the meaning of giving.. i care so i give.. falling out of love.. trust..pple who life love online..
it's unbelievable.. in such a short timing i can feel all this emotion in the movie and i believe there is more which i just can't pen down now..it's so real.. it's happening around us.. it can happen and it will happen for some cases and some already happen..
There is so many interest lesson u can learn from this show if u really watch with ur heart and think abt it..
the most interesting logic goes to ben when he say that he dun find marriage a need as marriage to him is like just a ceremony which allow him to tell the whole world that they are officially in love and it is not practical as u dun see u and ur best friend having a ceromony telling dun world u are officially good friends and walk away with a best friend certificate.. well done seriously..
they always have this saying that books are better then movie.. it makes me feel like getting the book and read...
i really dun mind watching it again.. this show is really one of a kind..the emotion which u can feel is pretty much out of the world..
P.S Scarlett Johansson is freaking hot !
P.S.S for those who watch the show and wondering what is the song on GiGi Ringtone.. it is Don't you want me by human league -
Mr.Smith, Are you really into her?
"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
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