Smith is so stuck..like a g-string in ur arsh
Some old ideas are around cause they are good ideas isn't it so??
Chinese have a saying which simply means " We nv worry that the trick is old , as long as it works "
Remember my sex sell tactic? that's one old school but forever working trick.. cause "hero can't pass the beauty stage " ( direct translation there )
Why am I talking abt this all out of a sudden??
I visit Stickgal once in a while and around a yr ago inspired by her i start to draw stick figures like the one you see above too..

Fatty Smith drawn back then
I did email her abt me drawing some stick fig which might look similar to hers ( as in format wise ) and she is very nice and told me that everyone shld have a stick fig and encourage or rather give me the green light to go ahead..
but recently when i visited.. "copycat" was the new drawing on her lastest post !!
Siao liao.. talking abt me?? then looking at the comment i saw lots of flame coming from stickgal's fans..comment like "ugly picture" and much more..
I dunno why but i felt rather sad for the blogger who drew /"copied" her art. we all know it's nv rite to do so. I drafted a long mail trying to explain to stickgal or rather trying to get her to give the whoever a chance and cut her some slacks but i didnt send. I think i shldnt fight a war who ain't mine.
I understand that the ger's drawing was not as nice and worst of all that piss stickgal off i suppose was the few post which was exactly the same ( looking into the mirror like a pig , falling in luv ). But i guess she just felt exactly how stickgal felt then and decided to do it the way stickgal does?
the poor lady close her blog.. which means she will stop blogging at that address and stop drawing too.. drawing take time to practice and i think she shld be given a chance.. all in all i just hope pple cut her some slacks
and morale of the story? if u wanna "borrow" some ideas off internet.. ask 1st lor.. or else kenna bomb also dunno why.. like some time back when i "steal" nadnut blog backgnd for my dumdum.. haha.. so online "copyrights" be it got reg or nv reg is very sensitive one.. let this be a good lesson for the "copycat" and everyone else online..not onli cooporate stuff cannot copy but even online "play play" things also cannot hor..
oh well.. time to think of better idea for my sales !!!
Mr.Smith, if u want my picture for ur own pleasure, tell me..dun just right click and save.. i can give u "special" ones *wink
"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
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