I shall not talk abt the content nor shld i share the link.. it's something quite childish if u ask me.. i shall not comment more b4 i'm part of the flame..
one topic.. 43 pages.. it's realli damm off topic..
which reminded me of good old mIRC once again.. yes my favourite topic..
The place where pple go know pple.. search for the person u know at school but dare not talk with.. search for scandal.. for sex..and of cause picking up fight..
I still remember the days where we can fight and argue and insult each other so much till the point everyone become part of the war.. and den the kick war.. den the ultimate 56k ping war!! :lol:
good old days.. and of cause.. to share this picture..

Pictures tell a thousand words
and of cause.. i prefer love making den war making as i grow older..love making is good.. make love not war..
This video is for all those out there who are still single.. Keong.. for u.. =X
Mr.Smith,Make love..Make love..Make love..love..love..
"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
The video rox! (^O^)
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