Warning: Very Wordy Post with Not much pic
So dear friend Keong was talking abt getting an english name on his blog after I pointed out to him once again that english name is better for business and work. Even for myself i tend to forget other's chinese name easily..
So he 1st started off with wanting sumthing with J so Mr Smarty Pants Mr.Smith come out with one chain of name :John..James..Jill..Jinx..Jax..Jughead,Jeep..Jmith..Jif..Jit..Jolt..
Jordan..Jonaldo..Jonaldino..Jojomamani and finally Jiaksai..
So Keong thot it all sound stupid.. den he say wat abt something short and start with W.. since he already Wong Weng Keong.. with double W might as well make it WWW..so Mr Smarty pants once again think along the line of his own name.. Smith..so i did a simple search on list of english surname .. and it hit me well that Wright sounds good.. and then Keong decide to be known as Wright liao..So wright? ya right..:lol:.. it's realli very funny name.. but i like..
just like how i like my own name - Smith.. When pple look at my name off a piece of paper they will imagine some ang mo..but too bad gers.. u onli have fatty boi chinese smith here..so since i'm already at wikipedia.. why not search more abt smith??
Smith - Full Article from Wikipedia - Click LA!!
Benefit to those who are too lazy to read it off wikipedia.. i shall cut out some of the interesting parts..
- Smith is the most common family name in the United States[1], the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, representing more than 1 out of every 100 persons in each of these countries. It is particularly prevalent among those of English descent [2], the name being English itself, but has often been taken by non-English natives or immigrants to the above countries in order to blend into the majority culture more easily.
- The name originally derives from smitan, the Anglo-Saxon term meaning to smite or strike
- To this day, it is not uncommon for persons in English-speaking countries to adopt the surname Smith in order to maintain a secret identity, when they wish to avoid being found by someone.
- Other languages with different words for the occupation of smith also produced surnames based on that derivation. For example, the Latin term for smith, Faber (also the root of the word "fabricate"), is the root of last names common in several parts of Europe. For example, the Italian version, Farrier, is the root from which family names such as Fabbri, Fabris, Ferraro and Ferrari are derived.
Ai Zai !! so my name actualli means Ferrari lo.. I guess i should just name all my sons i'm gonna have down the road with variation of Smiths.. Ferrari Leong.. Not bad ma!!

Mr.Smith - Mr.Ferrari also not bad rite?
"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
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