A Photo taken 2 yrs back
The one in red bubble ish me~ and the gentlemen in blue bubble is my brother - Will..
Today is his birthday, 30th birthday. It has always been a mystery to many pple out there how did the 3 of us remain such a close relationship even when my brother is 7 yrs older den me and i'm 8yrs older den my sister which sum it up that my brother is 15yrs older den my sister.
It's sumthing i find it hard to explain as well as many other family do not have such close bond betweens the siblings.I'll always say maybe cause my brother and i are always young at heart while my sister is a grumpy old brain young kid.
At the age of 30, my brother is a wicked husband,brother and a father.
He collects comic,Dvd,Toys,gadget and best of all we play hardcore PSP. His daughter is so fortunate la~ how i wish my dad is like this..
My brother name is Will and I'm Smith.. We are will smith.. this ain't part of my father's plan.. it ain't our plan..it just so happen lo..
my brother has always been a great influence in my life and even till now..sometime it feels weird looking at him and thinking back those days when we shower together and run around together..now he already has his own family and a ger ger liao..

This is a psp.. but not my psp.. Psp is a wicked machine.. I 1st got it at a price of $449 with 1 value pack , 1 screen protector, 1 Dynasty Warrior UMD and logitech playgear. The main reason i got it was cause i was going to thailand for exercise this time last yr. so i thot i shld get sumthing over to play and time realli fly man.. it has already been a yr.
Now my psp not onli can play UMDs, it can play ISO, can play Sega , nintendo,super nintendo,game boy advance and even PS ONE games!!! It can watch movie,view pictures, listen to mp3 and even surf the NET!!! what else do u want from this machine??
and i'm not crazy cause i remember my psp "birthday".. i just so happen have the receipt and come across it just.. :lol:
If u realli need to get one now, the market price shld be around $315 .
3 alphabert , man best friend.. guess what??
WRONG~~ not D-O-G.. is P-S-P
Mr.Smith, Happy Birthday To All~
"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
Happy Birthday Will. Happy Purchase Day to your PSP too. (^^,)
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