It's ten years worth of build-up. But that's not all.
Usually I'm not exactly a big anti-spoiler kind of guy. In fact sometimes I'll even ask my friends for spoilers so I have something to look forward to in a show but why am I so particular about this one?
1. We all know how most of the other Marvel's movies went down. Spiderman got bitten by a spider and ya dah ya dah, you get the point, but so far even after multiple movie trailers, we really do not have much clues where this movie is going.
2. So much talks about the show, the show has spent so much effort to keep things under the blanket, not releasing the real ending to even the cast, having fake marketing materials to mess with fans, and even this video. These work should be appreciated.
3. I've watched the show, the show is a decent movie, not much of a different from any other Marvel movies. It's entertaining, it's funny but it's no Oscar winning stuff and the best thing about the show is probably the element of surprise. You paid for the ticket and got the full experience and I feel that you should allow your friends to have the same. Respect.
Well, I did lose a Facebook "friend" for calling out on him for spoiling it on Facebook. He unfriended me. WOW. Social media.
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