More than half a year since my visit to LA!
It has been a while since I actually sat down in front of my computer and blog about myself, like just quick updates. I know that sounds truly narcissistic but hey, that's what a blog used to about right? Me writing about myself and telling you what I ate yesterday.

Anyway, much has happened in my life in the last 6 months and I shall give you guys a quick update.
1. Welcome back to Agency Lyfe

My partner, #GirlBoss and I at Taipei

Things are soaring thanks to kind clients. Flying becomes part of the job. #blessed #basicbitchhashtag

And shooting food for clients has become daily life.
For those of you who follow me on Instagram or Facebook would have seen my announcement that I'm back. Together with #girlboss aka @floraisbelle with a content creation/ social media agency started by us. Our website is still under development but we are quite blessed with opportunities already knocking on our door. Thanks for the love and keep 'em coming!

Best press release ever by Michael Jordan.
2. #Girlboss got bun

This was taken before she got preggers, of course.

Pregnant but still got it.
Fine, this ain't exactly an update about myself but this is a big challenge for me. It means constant toilet breaks for her during office hours, in between meetings, and even during events. I had such a hard time trying to cover up for her before she announced it to the world. On top of that, she's
Best thing about this partner is that we are both such workaholics. We are always talking about work and stuff. In fact she has promised that she won't be taking maternity leave. Such commitment but I hope I don't get into trouble with MOM or the LM. LOL.
3. Taipei-Bangkok-Hong Kong-Bangkok-Kuala Lumpur-Sarawak-Bangkok-Munich (soon)

Despite breaking my ankle in December, I managed to start traveling again from February. It's fun no doubt but tiring at the same time. It's funny how I hated traveling so much growing up and it's now such a big part of my life thanks to work. My love for photography really makes traveling a lot more enjoyable! Truth is, I'm stilling missing New York and Los Angeles. Hopefully we can plan another trip for this year end or latest early next year.

4. I finally got my sleeve tattoo

I got my New York skyline tattoo last year in New York itself and it's just not enough. I always wanted a sleeve and I finally got it. I'm one step closer to looking like Beckham and Justin Bieber, no? Considering that the tattoo I got was from the same studio as Justin Bieber - we are practically twins now right? (And yes, he is coming to Singapore! BABY BABY BABY OH~~) And now the 2nd question is should I get the other arm done up as well? Should I? Should I?

5. I launched my own book

Not exactly a book per se but a comic book. Thanks to my partner-in-crime Dan, I'm now a published author who has his name on Amazon and all around the world! If you haven't gotten a copy, do check out any major bookstore in Singapore. If you can't find one it means that the bookstore ain't major enough lah!
It has been a crazy first half of the year and I hope the year just gets better! Hope it has been a good year for you so far as well! See you in December! I don't mean it like you come back here only in December. You must come back and read more often. I'm saying it like I will doing another review at the end of the year! HAHA.
I think one sleeve is good! 2 may be too much, but that's just me lah. If you like having both arms completely tattooed, why not? :)
Your blog entry has inspired me to blog a similar one, so will do that and give you a shoutout in mine! :)
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