Setting up a new company is never easy. I mean besides money management, clients hunting, and logistics, we had such a hard time getting our office space settled. It's almost like buying a new house but much worse. You have to make sure the venue is convenient for everyone in the team, safe for the ladies to work late, big enough for everyone, and also making sure we don't blow our budget. You know, overhead costs and it's not exactly like we are Google or Facebook. As much as we wanted a really cool space, we have to watch our cash flow. (And also ensure the building has clean toilets because you have some crazy woman in your team. -.- )
Long story short, we been through quite a bit of highs and lows before getting this space. The agony, the disappointment, the long wait to a point of no return, and a missing property agent midway. LOL. For a few days we thought he got kidnapped and killed since there was no reply from him. Can't stand people with no accountability! But thankfully, he managed to solve the problem in the end.
The journey ain't exactly the smoothest which makes settling down so sweet now. I finally managed to move all our props and equipment from my house which finally frees up a lot of space! And also having my own office space means another place to hide all my toys from the wife. (Hope she is not reading this. LOL)
Not like our office vicinity lacks good food but I'm back in my try-to-get-healthy phase in my life where I'm trying to eat clean(er). So getting salads from UberEATS is so much easier! Being in the heart from Singapore, we have so much food choices!
To put the cherry on top – WE'VE GOT A NEW FRIDGE! (fine it's not big deal but you know, celebrating every small win.)

You know what this means right? BEER IN THE OFFICE!! WOOHOO!!
The first thing into the fridge ain't beer but it's probably better. (Still can't decide if I'm trapped on an island alone, should I pick beer or ice-cream) MAGNUM ICE CREAM! Not the ones we are getting now (ice-cream on sticks) but this time round it actually came in a tub! It's pretty damn cool and tasty!

It comes in 3 different flavours! One of the biggest reason why

And given the work we do, I'm very happy we have enough space for now to fit in everyone and also a space for me to shoot things without having to rent studio spaces like we used to. Shutter Bug anytime!
And now you know my secret. My favourite "wooden plank" ain't really that much of a wood. LOL.
So expect more office shenanigans (and unglam pictures of @Floraisabelle) happening in the office! I promise I will update here more often but if all else fail, Instagram Stories!
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