Everyone that you bump into likes to use the term "Wah, You have no life" to describe you if you completed the game quickly(like in 6 hours) or you have reached level 60. (FYI, that is the max level for characters.) but is that true?
In fact I find that Diablo 3 is actually more than just another game but also a good social platform. We meet friends who we don't talk to that often online and play together as well as meeting their friends and meet new friends too. See! Social Platform. That is having life!
![]() |
See, couple bonding time too! |
*Disclaimer: This article is written for the fun of it and not to attack any players directly. Please read it with a pinch of salt.
The Shopaholic
They join your game, make your mobs harder to kill and spent most of their time at the merchant. SERIOUSLY?
The Singaporean
Very kiasu, all they want is to rush the game. Run from one quest to the other, helping you to skip your cut scene when you have never seen it before. Hello Singaporean!! Slow down your pace!
The Love Maker
They just keep coming in, going out, coming in, going out. Why? Going AH to buy and sell at every interval of 5 mins. What is the issue? They keep causing my Templar/Scoundrel/Temptress to join and quit join and quit. GOD!
The mIRC
Yes, I did say we can make friend and get connected but Diablo 3 is a game, I really wanna kill those bastard mobs. Stop chatting with me! I do not want to tell you how my day went.
The "Lagger"
It's okay to lag, it's okay to complain but seriously? Your think is this CS ah? Every death you also want to complain that you are lagging?
The "BRB"
Same reason as the Shopaholic, come into game and "park" himself there and just let the rest of us stone.
The "High Level"
This happens to me more often when I was like level 20-30 where my level 50 friends come into the game and "help" me with my quest. What happened? I have no kill and nothing to do other than just follow and walk the map.
The "Eh, show me your item"
"Eh, I have a good drop leh. You have or not? Link leh Link leh" Seriously? Can we just go on with the game first and stop asking me to link you almost everyone of my rare find?
The General Chatters
Flood me baby one more time! WTS(Want to sell) XXXX. WTB(Want to buy) YYYY. Use the auction house please!
I felt that generally it's a fun game to play as a team but it can still get really frustrating when you have such players online. Then again, it might just be me for my character is not exactly built to play as a team.
I suppose I am volatile, self-centered...
Mr.Smith, Diablo 3 Avengers.
heh u can type /leave to leave the general chat. =)
yes, shopaholics are the worst! make me die and dun give me money to repair!
Wow, thanks for the insightful post. I look forward to reading more from you.
writing guarantee
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