My Fav Photo !!
The Trip in Numbers!
0 is the number of
- seasports I tried there thanks to monsoon
- tweets i twitted ! hahah
1 is the number of
- pairs of naked boobs i saw on the beach
- days with great weather and sun
- interesting brand of condom I saw. ( This have this brand call "Virgin". I thought the tagline should be "Fucking in Denial.. HAHAH )
2 is the number of
- days with gloomy weather
- episode of "critical situation" we watched on Nat Geo
3 is the number of
- days I was at bintan
- other Singapore couples on the same Ferry.
4 is the number of
- Pretty SG girls on the Ferry to bintan
5 is the number of
- Cup noodles we had
- moolah you pay for 3 cans of beer at Pasar Oleh Oleh ( Heineken, Bintang or Calsberg only, but still cheap!)
6 is the number of
- beers we had
47 is the number of
- moolah i spent at bintan itself ( SGD, bintan uses SGD too ! )
180 is the number of
- moolah I paid to be at bintan
978541253219312 is the number of
- angmos at bintan
- woman in bikinis
- pictures we camwhore-ed !
- number of hours we spent on the bed thanks to the gloomy weather.
It's actually kinda fun even though i have no internet or any major shopping !
Signing off with a collage !

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