Singapore - more than 150 people came together at @BrewerkzSG to celebrate @TwestivalSG. What is twestival ? It's simply Twitter + Festival. It an event where people around the world come together in their country or which ever country they were at at that point of time for the good course.
With the same concept of every other tweetup, we get to meet some new people, finally looking and talking to the physical form of the person who you have been talking to online for the past few months, meetup with some good old friends as well as for a few good beer.
Thanks to @mikefoong and team, we had a good night. We had beer, good food, performance and lucky draw as well. As for myself, I was a little too busy to commit to any physical work/meeting prior to the event but I did my part and got a magician and face painter to add a lil entertainment to the event. I also manage to get @PoMo_SG to give out 100 pcs of Wine cooler for the event which I sure hope everyone like it and use it often enough.
The fun and laughter were overwhelming and there is no way I can put it into words. You have to be there to know how fun it was. And thanks to this event, I finally found my favorite beer on Brewerkz list of beer after like trying every beer on it after a few visits. Steam Beer it is !
Other than the beer tap which went non-stop, the camera clicks didn't stop too. These pics are the closest I can bring you guys to the event if you missed it.
And this has got to be my favorite picture of the Night.
Credit : @inrsoul
And thanks to the face paint I was named "Twestival Unofficial Mascot" thanks to @Mediumshawn .
No doubt this party is over but there will be more party along the way !
"Not on twitter yet ? What the hell are you waiting for ?? "
I love your writing. Thanks for sharing!
I love your writing. Thanks for sharing!
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