"We wish for bloggers like yourself to come on down and enjoy the activities we have lined up for that evening and hopefully, even bring back a prize or two!"
Although I have been blogging since April 05, but I never consider myself a "blogger" who pop into bloggers events. I'm more a hardcore twitter user myself if you ask me.
Not too sure what to do or what was going to happen on that day itself and so the curiosity in me motivated me to go check out the event!
THE Poster !
Lots of happy pple with interesting hats talking and getting to know each other.
It was held at the Singapore Art Museum,and and you are so wrong if you are one of those who stereotype that museums events are boring. 24seven manages to bring in gigs performance and some little treasure hunt games for all the hat-penning peeps @ the event.
Being a museum fan, I did snap a few pics of the artworks in the gallery!
My Fav Art Piece.
And of course I bump into some old friends too !
Feliza and Anthony - The
@hwsoh - The man I talk to most of the mornings on twitter or Twitrix the way I like to call it.
Andy from 170radio !!
And of course some new friends too !
And Dblchin from http://dblchin.blogspot.com/
Opps.. never take peekture with Si Huei from http://rosh-diva.blogspot.com/
Sorry if the peekture looks small but that's THE Holly Jean.
And her best friend ! !
And of course I finally get to meet some of the peeps whom I have been following on twitter.
Oh oh.. and I was nominated for the crazy hat contest with my hershey's hat !!
Although I didn't win but I was really happy that many likes my crazy hershey's hat !
Not winning the hat contest ain't the last of everything, cause I won the lucky draw !! 2nd Prize !! $500 Singtel Vouchers !!!

photo credit to Kris from Krisandro.com
And lots of goodies too !!
Erm.. nope, the guy's picture ain't part of the goodies, that's @hwsoh's name card. lolx
Overall the events was pretty entertaining with gigs and all but i felt it might be better if we have a showhost to play more interactive games which allows all the bloggers to know each other better. Or maybe it's just me,showhost seems to be the most important part of such events after organizing a number of parties and dinners.
For those who are interested to see more and know more, check out their Flickr Album
So that was what hat-pened on the year end par-teh.
The woman with mirror in front reminds me of the Ring.
hey, good post, :) showed the other side of the party. :) congrads on the $500 voucher!
nice meeting u! IS MY utmost pleasure!
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