Rule 8.10 from "The Rules Of Work" by Richard Templar
"When all is said and done, it is only a job. It aint't your health, your love life, your family, your children, your life or your soul. If, by the way, it is any of these things then you really have gone badly wrong along the way.
Your job is just a job. Yes,I know you need the money etc., etc. But it is JUST a job and there are others.
Having a bad day at work shouldn't cause you to:
- lose sleep
- go off your food
- lose your sex drive
- smoke more
- drink more
- take drugs
- be more irritable
- get depressed
- get stressed.
But you'd be surprised how often these things are done by people because they have had a bad day. Yes, they may have had a whole series of bad days. But taken one by one , it is just a bad day. You have to learn to switch off, relax, not take it so seriously, enjoy it more , put things into perspective.
Get a hobby, get a life. You must work to live, not live to work. Don't take stuff home with you - learn to be assertive and say no. Put your family first. Spend time with your children - they will grow up so fast you will miss their previous childhood if you work your way through it - believe me I have seen my children grow up and it is so swift it is terrifying. It may seem slow and stressful at the time, but it zips past and then is irrecoverably gone - and you missed it because you were doing paperwork of an evening or attending another boring bloody conference at the weekend.
It is just a job. "
i am not sure how much of the above article that i understand is right. Did Richard just ask us to take it easy or did he just ask us to be not that responsible to our job? Did he said all that because he did or that or did he say all that cause he did the otherwise and felt that it should be done this way. If it's so, would he be less successful a person if he did the above ?
I have been stressing myself alot lately, yes alot. Not by my boss, not my gf not my mom. ( did I subconsciously mention all the 3 important woman in my life? - as of now at least)
- I am stress about not having enough money to get myself back into school.
- I am stress about my upcoming HDB, wedding, renovation, ROM, buying the perfect ring.
- I am stress about my work, which I shall not say too much about as I understand there are people out there reading and I do not wanna get myself into trouble. ( see, even when i post something i feel so stress.
- I am stress about not having my class 3 license yet and I know, I blame this on others as well cause everyone just keep asking me and i do not understand why the whole world just think that class is a fucking compulsory in life? If u seriously want me to have it, GIVE ME THE MONEY TO DO IT.
- I am stress over savings and I am so turn off I do not even have the mood to spent anymore.
- I am stress over the point that I do not want my kids to stress over the same things as I am stressing over now - I have a happy family but I still blame my dad for not being able to put me in a safe zone like some rich kids who can just complete their half fuck studies, get into uni, get a class 3 and even a car all covered by their parents. Trust me, with all these in hand these people are still asking for more and going emo over other stupid things. Yes I am jealous and I am very very jealous about rich kids.
- I felt that I am losing myself, I am not doing things I like to and I am doing things to make others happy or in another words like how @junnie247 put it, a betrayal to your dearest self.
- I can't help it but things are just running in my head and I felt like an under achiever all over again.
- I have hobby, in fact hobbies but I am not good at any of them and I just got my ankle injured again. I guess I might stop playing basketball soon.
AH ! G.Y.M SAVE ME !!!
"And now ladies and gentlemen, that's the ugly truth"
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About class 3 license, don't stress over it. I don't really care if I don't have a class 3 license even if the whole world thinks it's a must. You are the best judge of what your priorities are at the moment. Others should just shut up or like you say 'give you the money' to take the test.
License is a must? Wah lau.. I think Cabbies are the only real necessities on the road.
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