This is a backday post of a pre celebrated event..
Celebrated my mothers' day with my mama on the 3rd and on 10th.. treat my mum eat Hongkong Cafe on the 3rd as my mum has nv been there b4.. i feel quite sad for my mama as i canot give her a good life.. she is always saving saving saving for the family and to me HK cafe is like a anytime thing but to mama she only willing to eat on special ocassion cause she wanna save for the family.. and i am always spending on gadgets and holidays and stuff.. = ( Guilty.. and today we went over to Kor Place for gathering.. but i nv take any picture lor..
Anyway.. Picture from last week...

And Feeling Damm emo abt alot of things recently but i seriously dun hope i affect everyone else around me but being vocal and emotional.. i suppose i have affect pretty many many many pple.. haiz...
+ve !! Love love from Cynthia !

and mummy mummy got us something very.. erm.. special ? scary ? i dunno man..

low cash.. low morale.. low mood.. low low low...
maybe i shld go do something out of the box and ease my pain??
Tattoo anyone ??
"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
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