PCC and die
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MSN talk w pple
Day Dream
Go out clubbing alone and make some friend
Go Pub and wait for gers to ask u buy drinks
Wash car if u have one
Clean the hse if u realli nothing else to do
2 pax
Play NDSL or PSP together
Watch movie together
Go Cheong together
Go Park walk walk together
Slp together
Have sex ( if 1 male 1 female.. i dun promote gh3y sex )
3 Pax
Play Mahjong 3 player eh ( can win alot..)
PLay NDSL or PSP together
can do watever u like as above of 2 and 1 player
4 pax
Can play Mahjong swee swee 4 players
Can PLay Daidee
can play 4 player Mario Kart on NDSL
Can 4 pple have sex together.. ( 2 ger 2 guy.. best is 3 ger 1 guy.. )
Can go park play 2 on 2 bball
5 pax
Still can play Daidee ( according to faith )
Still can play Mahjong ( 4 person play.. 1 person there wait to mop floor.. buy lunch.. provide water.. watch tv.. play ndsl alone.. pcc abit.. then help to keep titles and table )
then still can play NDSL and Mario Kart also
Go drink also can ( but i ish quit drinking )
Can play board games ( no board games at home nvm.. can go Pitstop ! )
6 Pax - 8 Pax
find the correct number above and divide into 2..
like 2 tables of mahjong.. or play multiple Black Jack..
Mario kart can play up to 8 players.
Strip poker.. mass orgy..
watch moobee together ( waste time one.. 2 pple watch also watch.. 8 pple watch also watch.. so it doesnt realli matters )
If u notice i nv say anything abt eat.. cause my friend kong cannot eat.. muahahah
Mr.Smith , weekend got tiu bo?? Tiu or No Tiu??
"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
go cycling!
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