Poor Legend..no PSP.. awwww..
Recent meet up have been great.. from my very 1st psp till uncle chai..till v goh.. emily.. deardear.. now our meeting is like from one lonely psp user to 1 lonely non psp user.. so our legendary kelvin also wanna buy psp liaoz.. he bth liao!!! den faith also bth liaoz.. but she wanna kope Mr.Ma's father psp.. hiak hiak hiak..
So after all those peeps who got their PSP after my recommendation of best price at S Power House..We have a new member.. let's welcome jestin!! "clap clap clap"
And of cause this poison or plague aint gonna stop at just one more "victim" despite the release date was like 2 yrs back.. there are more n more pple getting it..
Price r more stable.. more games.. software stability.. and of cause.. exploit..which i will not discuss too much abt it.. =)
like previously mention..
this is a monster machine.. surf the net..watch video..listen to mp3..play psp games.. psx..GBA..SEGA..Nintendo.. nuff said!!!
Mr.Smith, Kip on gaming!!!
"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
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