stay out lo!! yeah... i'm staying out for this week as i'm on some course.. many ask me - " eh.. thot u going ord? how come still course" aiya.. this kinda things.. u cant explain why even if u have a mouth.. it's kinda of thing u will understand only if u are part of the family..
so well.. i was thinking.. many too ask.. eh.. ord soon wor.. scare?? slack so long liaoz.. and so looking at was feeling stress abt ORD.. den he got a job which then makes him feel better.. but is that the end? get a job n happily after? plans? study after 2 yrs of work? hmm.. i think i better plan.. so do read the below and give me some comments on my plan =)
1. Admit myself to NIE
2. go home have a gd slp 1st
3. take a nice long shower
4. go for a long week of holiday
5. get into a random job
6. learn some stuff
7. learn some stuff - useful
8. study
9. learn roller blading
10. go gym everyday n train up my fitness
11. get my class 3 license
12. get a job ! - technicial
13. get a job ! - part time teaching
14. get a job ! - salesman
15. spent money on my hair..
16. spent time w dear dear
17. loaf around n do no shit
18. stay home be house son
19. be a gigolo
20. think of wat to fill in until no.90
91. try smoking
92. try drugs
93. try a hooker
94. gang bang!!
95. get mutiple tattoos all over
96. try driving w.o a license while talking on phone and drunk!
97. try sleeping pills
98. try jumping of 10th lvl of building
99. suicide n make sure i die this time
100. SIGN ON!!!
:lol: just kidding just kidding.. =P
"love is not finding someone u can live is finding someone u cant live without"
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