That was me back then during Secondary school.. i played soccer once in awhile w my classmates and friends.. they form a simple little soccer club for themselves call the smurfs.. jersey were too expensive for kids like us to get.. but we still do..even thou i'm not like a full time player w them but i still get the jersey as we are all very close friends.. it's just like a kind of unity and no. 99 IS ME!! Smurf 99..
and today's post is a special post!! cause it's post No. 99 !! YEAH!! YEAH!! for those who have been reading this crazy black and boring not so many photo blog of them.. thanks alot!!
most prob pple like dear,cheerene,ryan, hazel,sianrong,faith,kong, v goh,jacky,bingren and once in a while pple who drop by accidentally!!
btw.. abt the lack of photos.. now u have a chance to see it all in one go.. 99 SMITHY hanging on the wall!!! Choose ur fav smith and vote at the shout box NOW!! OR just sms (your name)SPACE(NRIC No.)SPACE(ILOVESMITH)SPACE(ur fav smith's no.) to 66699 ( Santa's 99th Post) to win a get away ticket to sentosa and of cause not to forget your idol's(ME) wore b4 , old and SMELLY BOXER x1 !! YEAH!!! so wat are u guys waiting for??
Example: Sianrong 84XXXXXX ILOVESMITH 73 to 66699
Enjoy your day!!
"love is not finding someone u can live is finding someone u cant live without"
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