Andy Lau has always been my idol growing up till today. (Of course, I started having more man crushes after being influenced by western media. Like David Beckham, Adam Levine, and Justin Bieber etc.) Not only is he good looking, he is also very talented. I mean he is Andy Lau so I don't think I need to say much about him right? To be honest I think there are a lot of similarities between us too. Both our Chinese names end with "Hua"....
That's about it I think lol.
Remember when I broke my leg? That was around the same time where he fall off the horse and got himself severely injured as well. Well, because of that I put on 8kg of weight while he still looks perfect after his injury thus that makes him Andy Lau while I'm just... me.
You know how I always call my Instagram life my fake life? While I do publish images after colour processing, I do not photoshop my images because erm... I'm too lazy.
But it's all about the angle lah. Of course I still have loads of people who get "deceived" by me.
Well I just try my best.

One thing about Instagram is that you guys always see me in a smaller proportion where you do not get to see me close up. Truth is my skin ain't really that good. Despite not photoshopping my images, when your face is that small, you can't really see much of the details. Now look at this.

I've lots of old acne scars and my pores are actually really big. So recently I was introduced to Dr Kellyn from Lux Aesthetics who can solve my problems!

Although you can't see her face here but Dr Kellyn is really damn pretty. Oh wait, I digress. That's not the main point. So I did the fractional laser treatment that will save my life and make me look handsome like Andy Lau.
The treatment was not pain at all and it's actually done very fast. It took me like less than 15mins? At the end of it, you will actually have these organised-looking dots on your face. They will not be visible by the time you actually step out. It's supposed to turn dark brown after a few days.

The down time was supposed to be 1 week? Which means you probably do not want to perspire too much or go under the sun to protect your face.
The machine did its job and it's time for me to do mine. I still need to make sure I maintain it after the treatment. To make things easier, I was also provided with their own recovery cream.

I did see some results after 2 weeks! It's not perfect yet but I must say my skin really looks a lot better!

So with my "new" skin, I believe that I'm looking a lot more like Andy Lau. Don't you think so? Ok, baby steps I guess. :x
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