If you guys have been following this space and my Instagram long enough, you would know that one of my biggest weaknesses is
I got my very 1st tattoo back in 2010 and my skin has since been itching for more.
The Singapore ink show has been in Singapore since... to be honest, I've no idea when and it wasn't stated on both their Facebook or website. If my memory serves me right, this is not the first year for sure.
Although it was not the first time this was held in Singapore (or at least from what I remembered), it was the first time that I've attended the event as well as participated.
Participated? It's funny how I was walking around Suntec City and a dude actually thought I was one of the tattoo artists and came up to me. Another dude came up to the booth I was at and asked me if I'm the person behind those tattoos samples. I would take that as a compliment as I find tattoo artists freaking cool, but sadly I don't think anyone would want my ugly drawing on their body. No, I'm not even being humble about it. Remember there was a period of time that I was very into drawing? Don't remember? Nah.
I know I recently published my own comic but I was the storyteller and not the artist? So I guess I've made my point that nobody would ever want to bear my drawing on their sacred body...
THIS IS DAMN HARDCORE! Even I cannot handle that!
The event is ticketed and no, you do not get a free tattoo or 2 free drinks with each ticket.
"So what do you get from the ticket?"
You get to shop around and take pictures of the artists. The truth is that besides such an event, there is no way that you can walk into any tattoo shop and tell an artist that you want to be in there not just to watch but also to take some pictures. They will probably just kick you out.
This event is actually very good for people who want a tattoo but have no idea where to go. You get to see not just some of the Singapore's best tattoo artists but also some of the best from the region including Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, and even New Zealand! You also get to see some of their previous work as well as pre-drawn unique artwork.
What does pre-drawn unique artwork mean? To be honest I am not sure if that is the term. I mean it is an original piece that they had pre-drawn prior to the event and just place it up for sale as you can see from one of the pictures above. Once the picture is sold and tattooed onto someone, they will not repeat it and sell to anyone else.
Some of these pre-drawn ones are really nice but too bad I'm a sucker for customisation so every single one of my inks are mostly my own design or at least adapted from somewhere and edited by myself.
My Artist - @Jenniferneoh_tattoo on Instagram
Her sister Tracy.
Tracy won an award during the event too!
I wouldn't recommend you to get a tattoo on the spot as a tattoo should never be something done on impulse. That aside, having a tattoo done at the event is really very different. I find it really distracting with all the events going on and people talking, plus the space given to each artist was really very cramped. The most each of them can work on was like 2 people seated at one time.
The famous Kinki Ryusaki from KL. Obviously she ain't just famous for her tattoo skills.
The famous Steve Butcher from New Zealand. How famous is he? He is so famous that even fellow tattoo artists were queuing to take pictures with him during his break!
Tattoos Sighting
But luck was on my side. I bumped into a friend who was with a photographer and oh my did she took a nice picture of my ink!
Thanks Juan!
For those who missed it this year, better luck next year. And for those who want to visit but has no kakis to visit with, you know who to call next year. If you want a live model, I always welcome sponsorship from you. And no, I will not tattoo the word #sponsoredink on it.
I can't wait to complete my tattoo and show you guys soon!
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