This picture didn't make it to my Instagram but I LOVE THIS PICTURE! You must be wondering wtf is happening here lol. This guy is actually the journalist from Shin Min who covered our story. He was asking me to get a picture taken on the stage and erm, we ended up monkeying around.
I mean I've almost 100 photos about Makan Bus but I thought I shouldn't flood the feed and also September was pretty much all about Makan Bus for me. (Ya, looking back the month of August and I only blogged like 6 posts? Omg. This space is like growing weed already?) There were ups and downs, good times and bad. Moments that my heart almost stop, moments that I wasn't too proud of. but there were also many moments that I would probably want to keep them in my mind as long as I probably could.
1. Star wars Mei-xin Mooncake!
As much as I love my job of creating content for both myself and clients, creating a flatlay ain't exactly something I call it 2nd nature. I've seen other IGers who creates nice flatlays so easily. But I think I got this one pretty well. It's one of my favorite so far! It was also posted on their official IG account.
2. Ah Bui on rainy day.
I think my son is beginning to get the hang of this seriously. He is smiling for the camera pretty well these days. Influencer to-be?
3. Tsukiji Sushi Takewaka
I'm not going to lie but this ain't exactly my favourite meal of the month. In fact, it's far from it. My wife wanted some nice sushi and I thought this is going to be pretty good since it's supposed to be some fresh fish from Tsukiji itself but I guess it's not a taste we are familiar with. It didn't felt like a $200 dinner at all. But hey, nice picture for the gram. ROI!
4. Speech speech speech speech.
Not as an emcee nor singing a song but it was our media launch and I was on stage to give a speech and share more about Makan Bus. I've been talking so much about it I think I'm actually talking about it in my sleep as well.
5. Love is messy
Another flatlay! 2 in a month? Damn I'm on fire! I guess if it ain't messy, it ain't true love? Yes, I love you and I want you. In fact that's all I want. I want you every day and night, I want to be with you all the time. I want all of your attention, I want you and nothing else, and in fact i want to eat you! Yes, I'm talking about the popcorn. LOL.
5.1 Kuala Lumpur
I know it's usually 5 picks but I really love this one as well! Did a quick stop over at KL and managed to steal some time for quick shoot. And also because erm, we didn't buy tickets and it was sold out. The view from below ain't all bad right???
Here's Sept for you guys and I can't wait to share my October post already!! The photos taken at Phuket are so so so so pretty!!!
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