August has been a crazy month. In fact it started since July. Good news 1st!
- Makan Bus is finally on the road!! Thanks to the great work from the team, we finally managed to launch it despite much red tapes that we had to sort out over the past months. We've gotten quite a fair bit of coverage and here's the one from ST.
Funny story. My PR team was telling me about this journalist interviewing us and I was like "oh, Kenneth!" He's actually my friend and we were in Philippines together some years back. Ha! Small world.
- For those of you who read my previous post would know that I'm also contributing to this site - FiveStarsAndAMoon. I've friends asking me why am I doing that to myself. Like I'm running businesses and I've a new born, my own blog (which is very slowly updated these days) and this all these other projects but I still went on to contribute on other site. I guess it's really a case of passion of sharing and reaching out to the people with my voice. And also the sense of satisfaction when your content went all over the place.
- Not exactly my life but I want to bring your attention to the National Day Rally. This was actually the very 1st time that I sat so closely to the TV (actually toggle) watching it. Not because I was waiting for PM Lee to announce another GST Package (Which most of the time doesn't concern me) but more because of my increased interest in the country. I guess this is part of growing up for me. And I must say our PM Lee's sense of humour is unbelievable.
- And of course the photo shoot adventure continues. One of my current favourite picture has to be this very random shot I caught of Flora where she was being greedy and wanted ice cream we were doing a video shoot and I saw this light and shouted at call out to her to come over and caught this shot.
- Life has been really busy but it is also very satisfying for me. I'm trying my best to juggle everything. I wouldn't say I've got it all under my hat but I say I'm trying. I stumble upon this post and I feel so much for this post. Not saying I've got it all sorted out this way but I think everyone should read this and try to follow as closely as possible.
- My fat boy is now 6 months old! He has already started to flip around and crawling backwards. We've also started him on solid food and from these pictures you could tell that he ain't exactly a fan of pumpkin. And yes, I actually took pictures of him in such state instead of trying to stop him from crying. HAHA.
I shall leave you with more of his jin charm pictures. Hope I can update this space more often! Meanwhile please support Makan Bus!
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