Final Lap.
2015 is almost coming to an end. This seems to happen every year, the sudden realisation that the year is coming to an end and it's about time to look back at the year and wonder how much I've achieved or lost. (or how many romantic comedy/chic flicks I've watched. I'm sure there's a very big girl inside me and no, I'm not talking about my breakfast)
November is like the month that I've worked really hard. Not just because I had to but because I want to, because I do not want to look back at 2015 and say I did nothing. (Which is not true because I do crazy things to top my own list annually. I always top my productivity or try to top it nearing to year end. Very typical school kid style of studying because exams are around the corner which I am not very good at. My academic result really one of those biggest regrets I've in life? My O levels L1R5 like fking 32 points? I told a friend recently and I think he fell off his chair, rolled two rounds around the soccer field and then died. But okay lah, we are still friends. I'm not so petty lah. *flips hair*)
So I spent my November trying to be a better person for myself as well as my unborn-child who is on the way in another 70 days time or so.
I had a very good holiday, I travelled twice in the month and you know what they say about you gaining more from traveling over books right? But only thing I gained during the trips was weight. I am sure they make some mistake somewhere with that quote. (And yes, I know I said I worked very hard but it's kinda like a work trip so I was really working very hard on the trips. I really worked hard lah!)
push-ups(which btw I've canned my stupid pushup vlog cause nobody watches it and it really suck!), I started running (not from people. not this time. :p) again, I cut my 5km timing to 31mins (Best timing so far, still slow. I've always run around 35-34 region),
I continued my healthy eating habit (after the trips and besides my occasional cheats with chocolate.) and I lost another 2kg within the month, after losing 8kg the last month. #YAY And i think i'm moving faster not just running but also in my basketball game.
I changed my blog's layout which erm, 1 person voted it's lame and 7 person voted okay lor, nobody reads my blog. Nobody read still got votes leh.
I started working on Ben Ben Diaries - The book. Yes, you hear it here 1st. I am going to be a published author, how fking crazy is that with all my grammar mistakes right? But this is a really interesting learning journey. We've never imagined publishing a book together when we first started and here we are in talks with publisher and all now. #StartedFromTheBottomNowWeAreAbitAbove
So part of my effort of becoming a better person is to read. I got my hands on the kindle(I still don't believe I did). I hate to read as a kid and it didn't change much over the years and that probably explained my bad fundamental in my language. I think reading is something I wish my son would love and enjoy so it will be easier for him. Reading is very tough for me cause I don't really find joy in it and I read so so so slowly. Like i really want to know the information and story but reading just takes up too much time. sigh. I really wish I could like speed read and people would be impressed and say "OMG YOU ARE SO FAST!" #ThatsNotWhatSheSaid
Besides reading, I've also been spending some time on my camera trying to take better pictures which I think I'm beginning to show some improvement? (I hope). Very soon I will be like a professional photographer that goes shooting for events to get exposure and portfolio. (sure bro)
And November being my brother's anniversary was never easy to begin with but I doubt that's the reason I'm so busy.
Finally, Kobe announced his retirement. (Which of course has nothing to do with me and November but I'm just bringing this up anyway.)
So that's November. What's up for December and 2016? Exciting days await!
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