But that being said, it doesn't mean that people do not gossip or talk. Being in the advertising, blogging, kinda like media/entertainment industry makes things even more dangerous. I mean I am sure that other people in other industry talks a lot too but things ain't that bad because those industries are probably bigger and at the same time not as public. Our industry is so small that everyone probably knows everyone. Like how we always joke if nobody knows you, you are probably not doing things right or maybe just not doing anything at all.
Of course I am guilty about being a little bitch one time too often but all I have to say is watch your back and who you are bitching with because you cannot trust anyone too much in life. The wall has ears.
So today, I wanna talk about some very stupid things that people talk about each other over coffee, tea or alcohol.
1. I Think He Is Gay
He is so cute and why is he still single? He is always hanging out with this guy. He must be gay right? I mean who cares unless you are interested in him and you are a girl? Else, even US is okay with it so shall we just give these guys a break? And we are not even in High school anymore.
2. He Bought Likes and Instagram Followers
Fake likes, bots, fake readership, fake what not. Very often we choose to believe what we want to believe. We can tell people anything but people always choose to believe what they want. So what if GA shows you some numbers but you choose to believe other wise? So what if this person have 300 likes within the 1st 10 mins and go stale there after with a following of 21k fans?
Always goes back to the same question, are numbers everything?
3. I'm Sure They Gossip About Me Too Since They Always Hangs Out
IT WAS THIS BIG! Because Jac and Smith always hangs out, they talk about everyone around them. Sorry to disappoint you all because Jac and Smith are very self centred people. We meet and keep talking about ourselves, about how cool we are. We hardly even have enough time to talk about ourselves, how to talk about you all?
4. I Think They Are Fucking Each Other
My friend with boobs very hot so she is out of my league. And yours too. Attached liao. LOL |
This person promoted so fast! This person got all the sponsorship even when her blog is so lousy! I am sure she had sex with someone or suck some dicks!!
I mean jokes aside. I am glad my wife is a very open and trust me a lot, else such gossips can ruin relationships so I hope people think clearly before they talk.
5. You don't like this (insert name) right?
Some people hates rivalry but I like rivalry. The love hate relationship of this other person that you believe that he is so good. Every move he makes pissed you off and you want to make sure you beat that person in every way. We see it too often in movies and comics that life can be very boring when one clearly won. And clearly I haven't really find anyone I can call a rival. It is really not easy to find someone your level.
I have people I dislike, we all do. But that doesn't means that I have to burn bridge and scold him or his mother. Seeing this person at business event or on the street doesnt require me to slap him in the face just because I do not agree with him. It is about being mature and not creating trouble at the same time. There are people who likes to ask me things like if i hate this person or hate them. I think the word HATE is too strong. The furthest I would go is to say that there are a lot of things that I do not agree but we are not here to make everyone have the same believes, we ain't a religion. There's really nothing wrong about not being best friend with some people, and that doesn't mean we need to chew their head off too.
Sounds all too familiar to you? I guess we grow old and wiser to ignore such bs or else life can be difficult.
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