STEP 5,000 Faces At Central!
So what is this really about? According to Clarke Quay Central;
I see my picture on the floor i dunno how to smile liao lor. |
So let me imagine how this pitch went between marketing person A and B.
"Hey, let's do something that can go VIRAL. where people will SHARE and also come down to the mall."
"What About setting a record? Can get media to feature also. "
"Since it is SG50, let's do something for Singaporeans like feature them."
"Oh ya! That's a very good idea. For example collect pictures and they will come down and see themselves and when they see themselves they will upload on instagram etc and spread the words and also about us."
"People will also come down to look for their friends and brings in foot traffic to the mall."
"Ya! And their friends will tag each other and it will go VIRAL!!! #AWESOMESAUCE!"
"Ok. but where do we place all these pictures?"
"Dunno leh. AH! What about on the floor? easy to see themselves and easy to take picture also. People sure can see and cant miss it."
-------- End of Make Believe Conversation --------
To be honest, I think the idea is not THAT bad because it does drive some conversation online and also convert online traffic to foot traffic but I guess the execution ain't exactly the most beautiful one. I mean I might be 1 person and wrong but what about the rest of internet?
So what do you think about this project?
More information: Clarke Quay Central Official Site
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