Until this dude got really popular:
Truth is that, the angriest people around us is ourselves. Yes, Singaporean.
Welcome to Singapore. |
So in summary, parents found out that the teacher has been "abusing" the kids by making them stand every morning for 15mins for more than 3 months.
I think it's easy for all of us to throw in comments like it's just standing or it's really no big deal. Children are weak these days. Is it really the children or is it the parents? Or is it simply the "system" again? In fact, I am not a fan of how our education's discipline system is today. I am not saying that we should start beating the kids up like in the 60s or 70s but I feel the lack of fear makes teaching difficult.
In leadership as well as education, using "love" is the best way and the only way to have respect is to earn respect. As easy as it sounds it's not easy when it comes to dealing with young mind. I think a little bit of fear works the best for them.
I've heard it too often that parents are the biggest issues for most teaching professions. They are over protective and unreasonable and causes student to not respect the teaching. They have this bad mindset that says "my parents can set everything straight cause my parents are the one paying for your job." I am sure this is not the first time you heard something like this.
We need balance in everything in life, we can't live in a world where it's all love and no fear. Imagine a world with no law and order and just love and compassion? I believe in compassion and I am learning compassion but there are things that needs to be set straight. Isn't law and order a type of fear? You are afraid to break the law cause you will get fined, you will get punish and hang. So why take this away from the teachers and make things so difficult? Is giving kids the green house the best way to grow up?
I can make a wild guess and say that this is what it is today because most parents grow up the hard way and don't want their kids to go through it the same way but think again, isn't all these "pain and agony" makes you who you are today? Growing up means going through things and you finally get better. It ain't an adventure if everything is smooth.
It's very easy for me to say now because I have no kids but trust me, my (future) son will have the most fun as well as pain. My rule of thumb is simple, "If you want to get into a fight, you better win that fight."
This song probably has no link to this article but I am sharing it.
Mr.Smith, everything that kills me makes me feel alive. Embrace pain and live BIG.
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