I mean no doubt engineering has got nothing to do with my current work, I must still give credit to TP for who I am today. It was when I was in TP that I started planning events for school. I did events for my studies club as well as on a school level during open house. The problem base learning style of the course also gave me great insight on project management skill.
I was actually interviewed sometime back by the school and I have no idea what was done with the interview until like a few weeks back.
I was spotted as the top image return on google by my friend when he googled for 'TP Computer Engineering"
Yes, that is ME in 2001 |
I mean seriously? I'm the top return on google for such a keyword? How did that happen??
The answer of how this picture got onto www was just a click away !!
The Interview ! |
It was because of the interview of course ! Why didn't I think of that? The other dude is actually the champion student academically and apparently I am the nobody. They could give me a title like "The People's Choice", "Student Club Asst-Publicity Head", "TP Head of Engine Open House 2003" or something right? That's not the key issue, the key issue is WHY MUST THEY FUCKING USE A PICTURE OF ME FROM TEN YEARS AGO !! LIKE SERIOUSLY !! That's not all, the quote actually contain grammar errors and they did not proof read before publish !! Is that a hint of the engineer trade? :p
Anyway I am very proud to be a TP graduated regardless of how they publish me and I am very proud that I actually got featured ! Awesome or what ??
Mr.Smith, please ask for a newer picture of me if you wish to feature me okay ?
wah mister smith. your face so hensem hor. ;p
i'm not the face of a few thousand students for nothing okay? Geek is the new sexy ! : p
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