1. I start 2 limit myself within 140 char when i type
2. I prefer using shorthand typing
3. I do not sms people for dindin, but i twit
4. I thouhgt i am meeting 2 for dinner but it turns out 6 when i reach
5. I thought my weekend is going to be just weekend but it ended up as a tweekend
And I get invited to events of the tweeps ..
Event #1 - Talk
the rest of the tweeps who turn out were
- @seraphina22 (duh)
- @priscias
- @joanieeeee
- @goshprincess
- @donaldsng
- @mikefoong all the way from KL
we had some good food and in the end we ended ourselves at liquidgold where i get to meet @strangeoldman for the very 1st time. anyway some pictures from the event.
The holes which was dug, and inserted and then erected...
The artist behind the work
The reason behind "talking trees"
Some other artwork by other peeps..
I just like to shoot pple shooting stuff.. that's like what i call the "behind the scene"
The artist doing their presentation to the guest
@donaldsng with @priscias's turbine
the rest of the tweeple and @priscias doing a jack black
Event #2 @BrewerkzSG invitation to the launch of a new beer..
#SGFoodieClub got a little invitation from @BrewerkzSG to their "soft launch" of the beer.. And representing #SGFoodieclub we have @BigB3n @Priscias and @Seraphina22
Being our 1st official project to taste the food we were all pretty excited and of course we finally get to meet the
These tweeps were really amazing. everyone from different woks of life but all at the place with the common interest of food and beer..
Will be doing the food review @ #SGFoodieClub and it's more of the event over here at my personnel blog !
The Woman behind our SGFoodieclub mail box and tumble account
Here we are again..after our #Shooturtweeple
@Bigb3n sure make everyone looks much smaller .. that's the professional food critic !
@Seraphina22 - our female president managing us..
THE reason why we were at brewerkz
my main dish, meat lover !
The big man @ work !
Missy president @ work too !
Big Ben's order ! we are the pizza man !! Cow-wa-ban-ga ~~ ( P.S: Pizza Man is the Man that eats the Pizza, the one that delivers it is call a Pizza Boy )
@seraphina22's salad.. this is the salad which I gave the tagline - " If a man says the salad is nice, it's nice" - go figure it out yourself if you still do not get it..
Presentation Your Meat and My Turbine on a Plate.. LOLX ~
The Turbines..
One beer is never enough..Moh Gyyai gives you the little spicy touch where you will go eeek at the 1st mouth but you wouldn't want to stop until the glass is empty.
The big man's dessert !
The Team Busy @ Work
The place was really great and the event was really cool but somehow every party comes to a curtain call too. And we soon found ourselves at..
Little Indian ! Meet up with ah dum to do some halloween shopping and we were done pretty fast and we decide to take little walk down the indian town..
When it comes to shopping. woman do it in everytown.. regardless of race language of religon..
Me ! and I am really FAT ! self reminder to lost weight.. z z z z
And we soon landed ourselves @Zsofitapansbar. It was such an coincidence that tweeple @inrsoul are having a gathering with the rest. Thus we decide to rest our feet and wait for join the rest of the tweeples.
There's no harm taking more pictures anyway right ?
And god knows why it's upside down ??
I really like this pic..
And they had President's picture on their wall ! Cool Shingz !
This place is very arty farty for me, nice design and cool shingz once again !
Ah Dum and their house cat. Ah Dum is the happiest when it comes to little animals.
My 1st henna attempt. abit scary actually but Ah Dum had the faith in me to draw on her hands and so I should !
And the final product..
And of course - The Food !
I really like their buffalo wings !!
but it was a little too spicy for Ah Dum I guess, her ears was all jam up but according to @inrsoul this is like lvl 5 comparing to the lvl 30 they had previously !
And of course.. the beer..
Beer Fliter shots credit to @donaldsng which came out with it.. i thought it looks really good !
And the arrival of the rest..
It's really interesting getting to meet tweeples in real life other than just chatting with them online. just to mention a few are tweeple like @ctham, @karenhktan, @growlybear, @FoOie, @robin_low and many more..
The little lion which @robin_low brought back from his Sri Lanka trip, handmade by the villages, it's really a fine piece of art work !
We wave our hands and say good bye to the party and we head down to my playground - liquid gold once again.. More drink drink !!!
All the happy pple !
@Strangeoldman gek siao.. drink green tea still hold glass to take picture.. MUAHAHAHA..
And I wonder where is @zongxian looking at.. turbines?
Jacky and Jacquline round the corner.. pop by to say Hi !
He looks abit scare hor ?? haha
Life with all these tweeples around me were never the same, very happening, very busy, very shaggy.. And now i have to be more discipline in so many expects, save money for HDB and Wedding, Diet to get myself back in shape once again, Focus on my work to produce better result.. I suppose I need to cut down on entertainment and gadgets.. But i really wish to get a fish eye camera.. = P
just in case if you peeps are wondering what's wrong with the color of the pics, no doubt i did a little fliter edit, I thought the film color looks pretty interesting for some of the pictures..
Mr.Smith, tweet tweet, R u tweeting yet?
"And now ladies and gentlemen, that's the ugly truth"
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