I know i know.. other ps3 gamers - if u guys are even reading this u shld be laffing ur heads off " blardy n00b.. only playing this game now? " i know it's launch like since last yr and was game of 2008.. but well.. it's nv too late!! it's a GREAT GAME !!!
and b4 PC gamers start flaming like " i prefer mouse and keyboard" or " i think computer graphics is better " such BS.. i am telling u guys this game is damm great..
The Thumbs-up : Great graphics for camppaign mode. it looks as good as if u are watching a movie, even if u are not playing it, it's exciting enuff just to watch by the side.And when u are pwn3d,ur re-spawn point aint exactly that far away,there is always a near by auto save checked point which i really like. this is what i call n00b friendly.
Nv play resistance 1? no worries,cinematic will tell u abit history of this and control ain't exactly the same. u change weapon using Triangle now compare to the previous R2 and up down which i will say this is the improvment part too !
the best part of this game? CO-OP !!! not many FPS comes with co-op mode and to make this co-op mode even better? u can co-op online with up to 8 players with different class ( Soldier, medic and Special-op ). everyone have a different role to play to complete this game and there are plenty of maps and mission.. what's more? u can connect 2 player from the same machine and go online and kick some ass ( or get kicked ) with another 6 players !! U get to get item and XP points from the online game and can be save into ur offline acct too ! amazing ?
competitive play ! - skrimish play , death match, base attack.. nothing new? but have u tried 60 man in one room no lag ?? there u have it ! resistance 2 have it ! and same thing.. u can log 2 player from 1 machine to online ! huat ah !!!
The Boo Boo - of course i have to admit.. gamers just can't get enuff. there is always a boo boo no matter what.. and for Resistance 2? my call?
Co-op player offline without AI is abit too tuff.. so guys w.o the internet might find the co-op stinks..facing the great amount of mob with only 2 char and 2 role out of 3 stinks.. it really does..
Competitive mode.. no AI as well and u canot even connect 4 controller onto the same set and play the traditional "where e fuck are u" and " i am going to peep ur screen" kinda game play..and ya.. u can't even 1 v 1 offline.. this is to prevent u from going online and 1 at each team and u peep the team i suppose.. so in a way if u have no internet this game is almost as good as for 1 player only.. cause both co-op and competitive is abit way too difficult for 2 person to play..
Campaign mode - there isn't a 2 player campaign mode which is pretty sad.. like i mention.. it's more of a one player game if w.o the internet..
so my call?

3/5 for poor souls without internet ..

5/5 for pple with no friends and a very good internet connection !!
Mr.Smith, keep shooting
"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
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