- i have so much to update.. so i shall only update in point form.. easy to read also mah
- Cause the show he put in his heart n sweat is finally over
- The show actually got on tv and good comment is in the air
- He gets to meet debbie wong!! Chat with her and even took a picture with her!!
- debbie actually recognize him and wave to him on the street!!
- of his company.. and himself for the show!!
- just when show is over.. thought gonna rest but more show is up
- as more show is up.. the busier he is
- and so many loose ends.. haiz..
- doing roadshow and campaign and getting comfortable but company re org again.. gonna go dnd
Piss off
- ganna scolded up client for stupid thing and he cannot even retaliate
- cause he didnt retaliate and boss thinks he is good and intern was rather impress by him
- Dinner buffet at carnivore with ah chai and normaL~ gang was good.. more meat??
- Pitstop visit with david and gang for david bday was fun!!!
- cause it was halloween at Zouk and he saw friends
- Nikita with gf and bf
- desmon as the clown!!
- Esther from pitstop as chun li!!

"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
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