we have like outing to esplanade for dinner.. hang out with jean n yiling.. and the guys are like going weekly wakeboarding (i didnt go cause i always have driving lesson).. i'm trying to re schedule my driving so i can join the guys.. heehee..
they realli celebrate hard during birthdays as well wor.. looking at previous pics from jo.. drink until jia lat jia lat.. my turn will come in 2 months time?? :lol:
we chat during office hrs.. we go "outing" together.. like to the near by 7-11 and even to SGH.. poor ken was admitted to hospital for some stomach problem and the whole company went down to visit him..
and of course we do our work.. meeting.. meeting.. thinking..planning..
my job? so far so good.. at least i know wat i want and wat i am doing.. comparing to many office workers who just kip working blindly just to earn a monthly paycheck..
oh.. and ya.. to share with u.. a very very old pic.. i dig out from one of the CD.. i didnt know this pic exist as well... :lol:

PWn3d !!!!
this post is getting boring.. nothing interesting..
gonna label it under trash as well.. just some random ranting??
Mr.Smith, i miss working w pitstop as well
"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
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