Love?Relationship? or Sex??
Test Title : Fully Loaded with Sakae + Chivas NEAT..
Conclusion :it just hit u in the brain fast and furious..
Test Result : DEADLY !!
Comment : DO NOT TRY IT AT HOME !!
just came back from some pub beside Jacky's mum office and it realli hit me that bad man.. it has been quite sometime ago since i last got hit hit hit on the brain by alcohol.. considering i'm an above average drinker within my peers. Fall into deep slp upon returning home but it didnt last long.. Woke up and can't get back to slp and i just feel like blogging.. :lol:
Remember reading this article from one of the famous blog in singapore Blinkymummy She was complaining that dating is boring.. cause after awhile u will find that u dun have much thing to do with ur gf/bf u see.. she quote something like shld we go movie? shld we go zoo? which actualli is kinda true for myself.. so wat r the things u can do to spice up a relationship? or wat do ur parents do to maintain their relationship like 10yrs? 20yrs? Doing social visits together? stay at home and clean the house? go for meet the parents session when u screw up ur report card again? :lol:
Was doing some shopping alone just now b4 i stop at pitstop.. It seems to me that i can't find something i realli think it's good and sweet for my silly dum dum this yr.. in fact i think things i got for her r just degrading from time to time.
I actualli walked in Oohtique which is a sensual shop a stone throw away from pitstop. It's a cool place.. wide range of linger.. a little place u can sit n chat, sex toys and a very nice sales lady~( Yes.. she's hot!!) I just thot of going in n take a look for awhile as it's a must pass by everytime i report to work and i'm realli curious what's in that purple box..den i met michelle ,she's really friendly and explain quite alot of things to me.. We actualli like sit on the floor with lots of toys around us and we start talking abt more intimate stuff which i suppose not many pple are open about it in singapore? or maybe at least around my social circle? I suppose good amount of sex makes a good relationship? and both party shld be cool and talk abt it so both parties can be sure that wat they are doing is a-okay? Michelle realli knows lots n lots about wat she sell.. and she is not shy in sharing which r the toys she have.. she use some very good sex tips..
I believe it can be a very dangerous job for a lady as well.. cause u nv know when a crazy dirty old man can just pop by the shop n look at the products n not only talk openly but talk dirty n offending?
So there is dildo and vibrator we all know.. costume like nurse..police.. hand cuffs.. and there's actualli things like cock ring,masturbate gloves for man.. some balls.. vibrating tongue.. the cone..Angel ring..blow up dolls..bras..panties..nite gown.. and a hot sales ger talking abt sex.. and she have no bra on.. so it was a very challenging hour trying not to get a hard-on.. it's gonna be very rude u see..oh ! yes.. i did spent an hour there..kakaka~~
so by now i suppose the million dollar question on every readers' mind - SO DID I BUY ANYTHING?? or WHAT DID I BUY??
Mr.Smith, Sex in the City
"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
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