so today's mum day off too.. so as promise i bring my mama to pitstop cafe yeah yeah.. it's abt pitstop again. :lol: cause mummy always ask :
Mummy : Boy ah.. ur work place sell wat food? sell until 2am den come home?
Smith : orh.. play game de.. gt game gt food.. very fun one.. next time bring u there see see lo.. dun need worry la..
and so i got my mum and my sis (ya.. the same one.. the only one..)

Mai siao siao.. my mother play PSP one hor..
And so we reach there and we played a few games.. Sequence.. My mother love that games.. cause got all the good old friends - POKER CARDS.. and oh well she Won.. Mum - 1 , Smith - 0 and Joyc - 0.
Game two - Yanztee.. Weekee intro this game to us and not only that.. he join in the game too!!

Looking serious and using his famous no-shadow hand
No shadow hand didnt realli work in this game lo.. Smith won this game with a poin of 207 and follow by Joyc and Mum den Weekee.. poor boss.. Mum - 1, Smith -1, Joyc - 0.
Den we played a game of poison and Joyc won.. nothing much to talk abt her winning.. so result at the end of 3 rounds : Mum -1, Smith -1, Joyc -1.
And the final game on the table - Ingenious !!
Ingenious Game one result - Smith did a Checko Mato like wat Light did at death note two and got himself one game. It's perform by placing pieces and blocking others from winning.. :lol: but mummy say one more round wor.. this game is fun!!
and so 2nd round begins.. and the winner is.. * Drum Rollllll~~*

Beauty Mummy Year 2007
mai siao siao hor..mummy say must mediate like her like that then can win la..ginger still the old one spicy okay? how is it possible for a few n00bs like us to take her down.:lol:
Final Results : Mum -2, Smith -2, Joyc -1.
haiz.. so much so of the special sch.. :lol:
So says who boardgame is a young person thing? Pitstop shld soon have a senior citizen nite so my mum can bring her friends down to show them a thing or two..
Signing off with a cup of Super-Coffee by Carolin.. =)

Until next time la~~
Pitstop Cafe, Aunty Also Very Steady
"我就是我行我素 我沒有風度 我只有態度 你說我太酷"
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