Yes - Super Sub Smith has once again went to NDP lor.. and that's what i heard during the parade.. the kids from the back just scream and shouted.. many laff.. but i think i'm proud enuff about it too.. talk abt it later..
B4 i was the sub this week.. i actualli went to the preview show myself!!

Dear and me looking happy @ the parade

Skipping Team !! remind me of gd old times

Super man on the balloon.. and dear commented he have..erm.. a big dick =P

This is my favourite pick of the day!! NICE!!!

this is for Sianrong.. look carefully on the brand.. it's TOKAN ALI CHOCOLATE!! from M'sia.. i wonder if it works the same.. :lol:
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Anyway.. abt being a Singapore.. couldnt be better.. i love singapore.. thou definatly there's a lot of point where many aint happy.. but it's still a blessing to be born here.. no natural diaster.. low crime.. nice living enviroment..
things pple MIGHT be unhappy abt singapore
- Not Open Enuff? - be it speech..mentality towards porn stuff
- gahment? - i'm fine with it..
- Competitive? - w/o competition wouldnt comes improvement..
But there's one thing i'm not too sure if any of the peeps out there aint happi abt.. but sure for me i'm very angry abt it.. i've blog it twice or maybe more.. it's singapore media - the papers..
It's just practically more or less a magazine.. selling what pple wants to know rather then wat pple need to know.. the power of media is such a powerful source to a country. Many pple read the paper as it is.. taking all of it as facts.. just read take it and nv realli go think abt it.. is that the way it should be?
the fact that i see this problem is mainly cause of the monopoly of the industry.. look at it this way.. like romance of 3 kingdom.. or any war story.. the winner writes it.. from the common view of 3 kingdom.. - Liu Bei is the so call Hero.. and Cao Cao is the villian.. but it's a war - no one is gd or bad.. and in fact there'
s any publication which have a book written in the point of view of cao cao.. Cao cao is the hero.. he is doing all for the country.. u see.. cause there's up to many pple doing so we see different views..
in our country? we publish too much of a single POV.. in fact worst.. sometime it's publishing pple's comment.. for example - talking abt Miss Singapore Carol.. i think she is fine.. she's just like part of team singapore.. trying to do singapore proud.. and just cause of pple's comment.. she get a black mark and pple who reads it and didnt watch the show just agree to it..or even worst stuff and politics.. there's so many desktop politicial in Singapore who just talk abt politic base on our papers n news.. y not read more stuff? newsweek? times? online news? go understand more abt it if u are reali interested b4 talking abt it?
anyway.. all this comments like " I think she aint as good as she thinks - Amanda" so who is this amanda? is there realli such a person? or is it just the editor writing it and coming out w a random name? i duno man.. u go think abt it..
so - bottomline.. just read the paper as a guideline to wat is happpening around us.. dun believe everything it says.. for entertainment.. or just waste some time in camp.. have ur own thinking. that's the way it shld be..
i hate newspaper..
"love is not finding someone u can live is finding someone u cant live without"
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