Yea.. today is the Inter COmpany Games ONces Again and for this time round we gonna play some BASKET BALL!!
yup.. my company as usual.. not good at sports and also not enuff manpower.. so we have our starting 5..and in fact only 5.. 3 away on Guard Duty and rest cant play or status.. so today's motive.. enjoy and at least dun be last..
so out for the few company we realli have very great players.. and even have safsa team player who score 3 points like nothing but NET!! yesh.. NET all the way.. (well.. actualli my court have no net =P)
and of cause we did win a game and i'm proud of myself.. i didnt score any.. but i was good at bringing the team..getting better postition for them and defence and some good rebound too.. i aint good at basketball i know.. but for all these yrs since prmary school i've love to play basketball..just that my friends around me are soccer freaks and i nv dare to go to the neighbourhood court to play alone.. paiseh la.. pple all very pro de..
at the end the result aint that bad.. we got 4th.. won one game lost 4 games.. despite the lack of players we manage to kip the score line down low.. and the most we lost was like 3-4 points per games.. that's all.. =)
and i twisted my ankle... i cant walk properly.. i cant go up steps.. MO onli give me excuse lower limps.. damm it.. i think i need outside doctor who love us more =)
oh well.. that's all for now..
"love is not finding someone u can live is finding someone u cant live without"
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