I think woman are strong enough to join the army. =)
The plan - All Ladies at the age of 18 MUST join the force for a 3mths basic military training at pulau tekong. This training will include wat normal guys have done during their BMT. training up physical fitness and of cause basic survival skill.
1. If war is to break out. Ladies at AT LEAST self defence/survial on their own and the man can fight for the country
2. survival skill is always good to have isnt it? camping or wadeva so always comes in handy
3. so the ladies will know more abt our country own defence
4. Lady will get to have a common topic w the guys and they cant complain that their bf/husband always talk abt NS during gathering and they feel left out
5. woman will be both mentally and physically prepared for another wars or diaster when it hit us
6. after graduating from JC/POLY/ITE also nothing to do mah.. take this 3 months as a camp and know more pple in camp.. and also know the feeling of staying w 9 other bastard - bitches in their case.. bathing together - looking at each other's private - which become not so private private after that , powder bath , combat ration, route march, basic arms attack and of cause our fav BCCT !! YAY!!
7. isn't it another good chance for the ladies to show the guys once again that it's a balance world and man and women are balance n equal status?
8. Of cause.. it will make our nation a nation of soldiers !!
1. We need more mobile toilet? why cant they just pee anywhere?
2. Need more female reg to go outfield w them?
3. What? scare the guys peep them while they are changing in the outfield? this sounds like Pros to the guys isnt it? Boast morale for male soldiers during field camp or better still.. make them look forward to field camp having in mind that they will see a naked girl?
4. Girls might have a riot against this? not so true.. after telling some girls this idea.. in fact they dun mind ! 3 months nia =) .. i've done my market research hor
5. Girls will become very tom-boy? no la.. i have Mdm who finish OCS and still damm cute and hot!! :)
End off with a army recruitment poster.. i think my S1 will thanks me many many !!
Poster girl is not who you think she is hor!! =X
( Army Survival Skill No.1 - Cover Ass)

"love is not finding someone u can live with..it is finding someone u cant live without"
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